Winter Magic Market or not – Your input is critical! 

Kelly Davis,

Given Christmas is around the corner it certainly feels like the wrong time of the year to think about Winter Magic Market, however, given some recent review and discussion about the WMM’s future, we felt a need to bring this to the wider school communities’ attention.


The WMM has been supported so far as a yearly event for various reasons: it has brought much joy to our children and the school community as a warm and cozy event in the middle of winter; it has been a stellar example to our children of how community spirit and teamwork can pull off something truly amazing; but it also is hands down the most important fundraiser in the school calendar.


In the more recent years support and engagement from the wider community for the market has slipped, though not in the form of turning up on the day to bake and volunteer on shifts, but in the form of a lack of hands on deck in the planning and preparation phase. This has led to an increasing sense amongst some that our current WMM format is past its prime, or at least in desperate need of a face-lift and/or shake-up, in order to make the preparation and organization enjoyable again for all involved, and sustainable for the years to come. 


No decision has been made yet as to what will become of the market in 2024 but it seems anything is possible. 


One option currently being discussed is to have a Spring Market instead of WWM, a little later in term 3 to give everyone more breathing space during term 3 in the lead-up (i.e more time from June holidays to the time of event). 


We have an amazing opportunity to re-shape our main school event into something even more exciting. But we also need to point to the very real possibility we won’t have an event at all if we cannot get the support of a certain number of volunteers and supporters to commit early in the year, to help not only with volunteering on the day, but with planning and organizing from early on.


There will be more information circulated next year to give the next generation of Foundation parents an opportunity to have a say and contribute to the planning as well. In the meantime, please give it some thought.


If you are keen to help with 

  • coordinating an existing market stall
  • an idea for a new or different stall 
  • an idea for a market activity
  • an idea of how to rekindle the enthusiasm with new and existing parents and carers 
  • committing at this early stage to being part of any planning committee

we would love to hear from you

Please fill out this one minute google form.


We are very excited to see what our beloved event might evolve into in the coming years.