Wellbeing & Engagement

Positive Behaviour for Learning (PBL)
The PBL team celebrated the brilliant start to the school year, noting that there has been a reduction in behaviour incidents by almost forty percent. Achieving outcomes like this does not happen in isolation. It requires a team effort involving all staff, our parents and carers and our greater community. The team, thank you for your continued support in promoting GREAT behaviour from your child. We are so proud of our students!
PBL Lessons
Each week our Student Leaders present the PBL lesson of the week. Students are actively involved in planning and presenting the content, making for a very entertaining section of our assembly. Please come along to our full school assembly on Mondays at 9:00 in the hall to see our PBL message and budding stars!
Our PBL lessons are data-driven and based on the needs of our students. They may change if required.
Week 6 Representing Our School
Week 7 Using your Inner Coach
Week 8 Completing Tasks
Week 9 Zones of Regulation
Week 10 Holiday Safety
Break time activities
We have lots of options for students during break times. One option for students in year 3 to year 6 is the Multi-media room. This includes activities such as computers, dancing, Wii sports, board games, ipads and is open during play times at morning tea and big lunch.
Student Voice
Our Student Council meets twice a term, ensuring that student's voice is heard; this is essential for students to feel safe and supported at school. Student Council creates a space to actively participate in planning and implementing school choices; our students are motivated by a sense of collective responsibility and gain leadership skills through active involvement in the Student Council. Each class from years three to six is represented by their class captains. Prep to year two is represented by the school captains who report back to their classes. The Student Council contribute to the decision-making, such as lunchtime activities, free dress days, Dot Day activities and raising money to support our wider community. This year they are raising money to support The Smith Family charity.
Our Student Council for Semester 1
Respectful Relationships - Promoting healthy, safe and respectful relationships.
All children are engaged in the RESPECT Program. This term's weekly lessons cover the following topics.
Prep - Emotional Awareness- identifying feelings
Year 1 - Emotional Responses & Empathy
Year 2 - Emotional Responses & Empathy
Year 3 - Gender Stereotypes - choices and behaviour
Year 4 - Gender Stereotypes - choices and behaviour
Year 5 - Conflict Management
Year 6 - Valuing Diversity
What can parents and carers do to promote healthy relationships?
Talking to your child about respectful relationships is crucial for their emotional and social development. By discussing the topics they are learning about, parents and carers will be promoting their child to have healthy interactions with others. These conversations promote awareness of boundaries, consent, and mutual understanding while fostering a safe environment for children to thrive. Teaching and learning respect as a child is an essential skill required to form friendships and healthy relationships. Try asking your child what they learnt in Respectful Relationships this week. And remember you are their greatest teacher; modelling respectful relationships is the most powerful thing you can do.
NRL Roads to Region - Simply the best!
Our year four and year six students enjoyed the NRL Roads to Region initiative, hosted by Karl Oloapu - current Bulldogs player, Lachlan Sankey and Kyle Jefferies. The men inspired students to simply do their best and promote a positive outlook focusing on teamwork.
Physical Education
Swimming has been roaring along and I would like to thank all families for your support of this very important program within our school community. The P-2 students have been excelling in the program pool and the vast majority of Year 2 students have reached the Year 2 benchmark. Keep up the good work. We have also been working very hard on stroke development with the Year 3-6 students. The improvements shown already are awesome and I am looking forward to all students showcasing their abilities at the swimming carnival in Week 8. Parents are more than welcome to come down to the pool and engage with your child's lesson. The more the merrier.
On another note - if you have any old togs or rash shirts at home that are gathering dust please think about donating them to the school. Sometimes students forget to bring togs and my limited supply is quickly exhausted. The office staff will gladly accept any donations.
It has also been a busy time with school sport. We have had students compete in Macintyre Zone School Sport trials in swimming and cricket. Congratulations to Annabel Carter, Flynn Rice, Matilda Giltrow, Harrison Skinner, Audrey Bell, Rocky Bell and Parker Smith who will represent our school and community at The Darling Downs School Sport swimming trial in Gatton. Best of luck.
Saxon Hamilton impressed the selectors at the DDSS Country Cricket trial in Stanthorpe recently and will represent our school and community at the DDSS Cricket trial in Toowoomba.
We also have trials coming up in Netball, Touch, Tennis and Basketball. Good luck to all those students who have been invited to attend these trials. I am sure you will represent our school and community with great pride and dignity.
We recently had a visit from AFL QLD. The children enjoyed learning AFL skills and practicing them during the breaks.
It is also that time of year where sign-ups are occurring for club winter sports. I would encourage all parents to consider the option of a club sport for your child. There are some great people in our community doing great things in this space. The kids love being part of a team or club and it is a great social outlet for parents. If I can be of any assistance with your decision making in this area please contact me at the school.
Finally, I would like to thank the staff and students at Goondiwindi State School for being such great representatives in the community for our school. You always support your team mates and give your very best. This is a characteristic in our students that I am immensely proud of. Keep up the good work.
Swimming Timetable
| Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday |
9.15am - 10.30am |
| 5/6P & 5J | 3S & 3E | 4D & 4O |
11.15am - 12pm |
| 1S | 2/3B | Prep C |
12.15pm - 1pm | 6DB & 6P | 1H | 1WS | Prep M |
1.45pm - 2.30pm |
| 4S & 5AC | 2LM | 2H |
Wednesdays 9:00m to 10:30am follow the Red Flags at the Prep Precinct. Bring your GREAT MATES hat, morning tea and a water bottle (and parent)!!
Playgroup is open to all families in the community.