Welcome to GSPS

Message from our Principal, Mrs Clarke...
Annual Implementation Plan (AIP) & Budget
The AIP documents the school’s explicit improvement agenda over 12 months in relation to the priorities in the School Strategic Plan and provides information about the actions to be undertaken. This document, along with the school budget, is submitted annually to our regional office for approval and is then used regularly throughout the year by the leadership team to ensure our focus for improvement for the year stays on track. The school priorities are aligned with Ed Qld's Equity and Excellence plan, which are: Educational Achievement, Wellbeing and Engagement & Culture and Inclusion. The school's annual budget is developed to support the 3 school priorities.
Student & Parent Code of Conducts
Please refer to the links above to view the current codes for our school.
School Supervisor Visit
Our school supervisor, Jonathan Druce, will meet with the leadership team this week to review and analyse our school's data around the 3 school priorities. Mr Druce will also visit some classrooms to talk with children about their learning.
P and C Association
Our schools PandC Association plays a vital role in giving financial assistance, other resources and services, like Tuckshop and second-hand uniform sales, for the benefit of students at our school. I encourage families to take an active role in our PandC, including volunteering when possible and helping out at fundraising events.
Attendance and Uniforms
Our whole school attendance goal for 2024 is 92% or above with no unexplained absences, remembering that Every Day Counts!
Our school's uniform policy states that children will be in full school uniform every day, including school hat. It also states that no jewellery, coloured hair or nail polish is to be worn. I would ask parents to ensure this policy is followed by your student/s.
Welcome to all our new students and their families.