From our Principal

Christine Pillot

Meet the Team Afternoon

It was great to see many families at school on Wednesday afternoon, visiting classrooms, specialist rooms and meeting with members of staff.   Thank you to all families who attended and supported the event.    


Students who attended did a wonderful job helping their families find rooms across the school and introduce them to staff members.  Students collected many stamps in their Passport and were rewarded with a chocolate for their efforts.   

School Council 

Last week we had our final school council meeting for the end of term and thanked all members for their active participation over the past year.  We paid a special acknowledgement to parents Peter V, Peter A, Bec G, Co-opted member Peter T, and staff member Sam R whose two-year term has ended.    


Yesterday, our 2024-25 school council nomination period ended.  We welcome Kathryn V and Peter M, and welcome back Bec G,  as a parent member to School Council for the next two years.  We also welcome Lauren S as a DE staff member.

Annual General Meeting

Our School Council AGM will be held prior to our council meeting on Thursday, 21st March at 7pm in the staffroom.  All parents and carers are invited to attend either in person or online;


School Council encourage all interested parents and carers to attend.  

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