Principal's Report

Year 12 Farewell Assembly
I’d like to thank everyone and particularly the parents and friends of the Year 12 class of 2024 who attended the Year 12 Farewell Assembly on Friday 18th October. It was wonderful to see so many of you here and it is an honour to be able to say a few words. It was a special day because we formally farewelled our year 12 students.
I am sure that we are all very proud of their achievements. I know that our time together has been filled with laughter, tears, and countless stories that will be retold over the forthcoming years.
As the year 12 students move onto the next chapter in their lives, I hope that they all have fond memories of their time at Macleod College and that they cherish and maintain the bonds that they have formed.
I am sure that many of the Year 12 students haven’t completely figured out what they are going to do after finishing school. Enjoy the process of your search without worrying about the pressure of the end result.
I know that nobody likes to fail, but failure is an essential part of life and of learning. Someone once said “If your uniform isn't dirty and scuffed up then you haven't been in the game”
Whatever life may have in store, all of the year 12 students are about to embark on the most exciting adventure. Your family, friends and your time at Macleod have given you a good start. What you do with it is up to you. Will you keep learning?? Will you be successful and rich? Will you be healthy and most importantly will you be happy?
Many things will happen in your lives, most pleasant and unfortunately some not so pleasant. I am sure that you will find the inner strength to cope with whatever curve ball life will throw at you.
I have a fantastic lemon tree at home that provides me with the best lemons. I use the lemons to make gelati, cordial and in many meals. I regularly go out and prune branches off the tree that have gall wasp on them. I take lemons off branches that have too many lemons on them, I prune dead branches off, I feed the tree and ensure that it is regularly watered. Some of you are probably thinking that I have gone mad, why was Mr Panaccio talking about his lemon tree? The lemon tree is an analogy. It is about making time to nurture and look after the important things in life. They need to be tended to and maintained as if ignored they will struggle and wont thrive.
During the adventure walk on the Year 12 Retreat I was asked by one of the students if I had any advice about life. That is a seriously big question. I certainly am not an expert and have had my fair share of failures. Believe in something larger than yourself, give your life purpose and always tend to the many lemon trees in your life. As rewarding and successful as you may be in your career, your connections to family, your partner, your children, friends and even work colleagues are the most important investments you will ever make.
At the end of your life, you will never regret not having passed one more test, getting one more promotion, or not closing one last big deal.
It only takes one rock to start a landslide and each and every one of you have the potential to change the world. You just need to look around you to see that your unique talents, perspectives, and passions are needed now more than ever. Don’t be afraid to pursue your goals with courage and determination. Trust your gut, keep throwing darts at the dartboard. Don’t listen to the critics and always follow your dream.
I hope
- That your dreams take you to the corners of your smiles
- That your dreams take you to the highest of your hopes
- That your dreams take you to the windows of your opportunities,
- And that they take you to the most special places that your heart has ever known
Good luck and all the very best for your exams. May you find much success, happiness and love from everything that life has in store for you.
2024 - 2025 Macleod College Secondary Leadership
Congratulations to our 2024 - 2025 Secondary Leadership group.
College Captains: Ibrahim Hajimahamoud & Lucas Starmans
Performing Arts Captain: Harry Barnes
International College Captains: Hannah Nguyen & Karish Pragash
2024 - 2025 Leadership
2024 - 2025 Performing Arts Captain
2024 - 2025 College Captains
2024 - 2025 International Captains
Attendance - 4 November 2024
Tuesday, 5 November, is a public holiday for Melbourne Cup Day. Monday, 4 November is often used by families as an opportunity to take a longer than usual weekend break which has a direct impact on our ability to conduct regular classes.
Therefore, on Monday 4 November, our normal school program will not be running. Students attending school on this day will be involved in a range of generalist programs and activities that may occur across individual classes and/or year levels. Please advise the College if your child WILL be attending on 4 November 2024.