Community Care and Connection

New Time - Stage 1 Mums End of Year Dinner
All stage 1 mums are invited to attend an end of year dinner on Saturday 30th November at 5.30pm at The Gully Public House & Garden, Tea Tree Gully.
Please RSVP by 22 November. We look forward to seeing you there!
Stage 2 Mum’s Catch Up Dinner
Dear Stage 2 Families,
We’d like to invite all Stage 2 mums to join us for an end of year dinner to celebrate the year! It will be a great opportunity to connect and reflect on the year. If you are free, please join us for a bite to eat (food and drink at own expense).
Date: Wednesday 6th November 2024
Location: The Gully, 1349 North East Road, Tea Tree Gully
Time: 7.00pm
Please RSVP by Friday 1st November so that numbers can be confirmed for the table booking (please refer to the note sent home on Thursday 24th October 2024 for contact details).
We hope to see you there.
Lucy Hale
Jodi Quast
Sarah Pound
Jade Peterkin
Kerrie Brklje
Stage 2 Playground Catch Up
Dear Stage 2 Families,
All stage 2 families are invited to attend an after school catch up to connect with other class families.
Date: Friday 22nd November 2024
Location: Kentish Green Playground, Warren Road, Para Vista
Time: Straight after school from 3pm
Along with the playground there is also a grassed area if you would like to bring along footballs, soccer balls etc.
Please find contact details on the note that was sent home on Thursday 24th October 2024. We hope to see you there!
Lucy Hale
Jodi Quast
Sarah Pound
Jade Peterkin
Kerrie Brklje
Stage 1 Playground Catch-up – All families invited!
Dear Stage 1 Families,
All stage 1 families are invited to attend a Sunday afternoon catch up to connect with other families for one more time this year.
Date: Sunday 3rd November
Location: Kentish Green, Barina Ave, Para Vista
Time: 2pm
There is a toilet available and also a BMX track for those keen to bring bikes or scooters. There’s lot of grass space too for ball sports.
Please remember that your children remain under your care for the duration of our gathering.
You can find contact details below if you have any questions.
We hope to see you there!
Jodi - Abbey's Mum (1C)
Amy - Elise's Mum (1J)
Jo - Ayla’s Mum (1L)
Rachael - Harry’s Mum (1C)
Catherine - Elijah’s Mum (1J)
Term 4 Dad's Night
GSPV Dad's and male role models, we are having another dads gathering to kick term 4 off on the right note!
Come along and put your skills to the test with some lawn bowls and enjoy a casual afternoon and catch up with others from the GSPV community. For those of you that have been thinking about coming to one of these events, don't miss out on this one.
There are limited numbers due to the venue size, so get in fast! There will be some light nibbles provided and drinks available via the bar at the Bowling Club to purchase for a reasonable price.
RSVP to Matt Modra on 0418 836 454
(Cost of $15 cash payable to Matt)
A Night of Fun and Fundraising!
Come along and experience the uplifting songs of the Well-Being Social Club (formerly known as the BordererS) It’ll be a ONE-OFF event that you’ll remember for many reasons. Not only will you be entertained, but you’ll also get to hear the enigmatic and amazing Bishop Michael Musale explain how he’s helping transform this part of Africa with YOUR help.
We’d also like to just reassure you that all of the monies raised will be going to sponsor the schoolkids in Turbo, Kenya to receive meals and to attend school.
Tickets - adults $25... Children free!
Use the QR code to book or this follow this link
Look forward to seeing you soon!
Last Sunday we were blessed with amazing weather, perfect for our water games outside on the oval. The message at Worship focused on ‘Courage’ and God’s promise to be with us, no matter what is around the bend in the road.
It was lovely to chat afterwards as we enjoyed our sausages, salad and (s)zooper doopers!
Our next event is sure to get us in the Christmas spirit, with our theme of ‘Christmas in November’. It is an all-ages event, so younger siblings are most welcome. Pop it in your diary now!
November 24th - 4pm to 6:45pm (Slightly longer time).
Look forward to seeing you then!
Rachel and Georgie
Coffee and Connect
How has your week been? Any highs or lows? Did your children attend the Stage Two excursion/ Disco or Camp In last Friday?
If you have a few minutes (or a lot of minutes) and you feel like meeting some people or reuniting with old friends, you are most welcome to pop into the Church Café tomorrow morning (Friday) 8.30-10.00 am and share some tea/coffee and conversation!
Why not invite someone along this week? You never know how you might change someone’s day (for the better) just by turning up and having a chat!
Enter via the courtyard. Toddlers are welcome (there is a small playground for them to play in; we just ask that you keep an eye on them for safety reasons).
Love to see you tomorrow!