Parent Information

School Casual Day
Our Year 6 Student Leadership team has organised a casual day on Friday 8th November (Week 4). They have planned to raise money for Australian World Service, and we would ask that your child brings a gold coin to donate on the day.
We’re looking forward to raising valuable funds for a very worthy cause! To find out more about Australian World Service, please head to their website here.
2025 Year 6 Commemorative Top Printing
Order now on QKR
Year 5 students have until the 28th November to finalise their 2025 commemorative print polo’s and or jumpers on QKR. Please select Commemorative Print under Uniform Shop.
All orders will be kept in the uniform shop for printing and can be collected in January – if you are not sure on size, please visit the uniform shop for assistance or email
Assembly Acknowledgements
At each assembly we acknowledge students who have demonstrated the school values.
Congratulations to these students for the way that they have shown Love, Optimism and Creativity in our community - Bodhi, Kira and Sam.
Reformation Day
Did you know it’s Reformation Day?
Today the Lutheran Church remembers Martin Luther and the Reformation as it was on this night, October 31, 1517, that Martin Luther nailed 95 Theses to the castle church door in Wittenberg, Germany, signalling the beginning of what is known as the Protestant Reformation.
"God saved you by His grace when you believed. And you can't take credit for this; it is a gift from God. Salvation is not a reward for the good things we have done, so none of us can boast about it." Ephesians 2:8-9 NLT
Today, Lutheran schools and communities continue to build on the foundational beliefs and values of the Lutheran Church of Australia, shaping both faith and learning.
Here is a brief history and quiz about Martin Luther from Grow Ministries that you might like to explore.
Caring Conversations
How did you go with your caring conversations last week? Did you discover something new about someone in your family? Here are some more to try out! God bless your week!