From the 3/4 Classrooms

This term, students in Team 3/4 have been exploring poetry. They have learnt that poetry is a form of storytelling and writing poetry is about creating visual images and understanding that words have meaning. Students have read, analysed and written different poetry forms, as well as learnt different ways to organise poetry, and different techniques and language features to engage the audience.
Some of the techniques focussed on include alliteration, rhythm and rhyme patterns, repetition, syllabification, punctuation and pauses.
Students began the unit with writing a free choice poem about Summer.
Two poetry forms that have been explored are Cinquain and Haiku, which both focus on the use of syllables.
Cinquain (five lines long)
2 syllables in the first line (topic),
4 syllables in the second line (2 adjectives),
6 syllables in the third line (3 verbs),
8 syllables in the fourth line (feelings about the topic)
2 syllables in the last line (sum up the poem)
Haiku (three lines long)
5 syllables in the first line
7 syllables in the second line,
5 syllables in the third line.
Traditionally Haiku poetry is written with a focus on nature, however students were encouraged to write on any chosen topic for their first experience writing in this form.
Students have also been exploring how they can draw on their five senses when creating poetry as a technique to engage their reader. This helps to describe how the poet perceives what something looks like, tastes like, smells like, feels like, and sounds like, facilitating a stronger connection with their reader.
We look forward to sharing more from our budding poets as the term progresses.
Team 3/4 teachers