From the 1/2 Classrooms

Melbourne Museum Excursion
On Wednesday 23rd of October, Grade 1 and 2 students went on a much anticipated excursion to the Melbourne Museum, to support their learning in our Integrated Studies history unit.
All students participated in the interactive session 'My Grandmother's Toybox', which led the students on a tour through history, using toys from previous generations. The students discovered similarities and differences between the toys kids played with across multiple generations.
Ava (2MC) – I liked my Grandmother’s toybox because I liked the soldiers.
Jacey (2MC) – I liked my Grandmother’s toybox because I liked touching the toys in the toybox.
Lydia (2MC) – I liked my Grandmother’s toybox.
Una (2LP) – I liked seeing my Grandmother’s toybox and looking at all the history.
Belinda (1PT) - My favorite activity at the Melbourne Museum was My Grandmother‘s Toybox because I got to see so many olden day toys like cameras, a doll, knucklebones, books, toy soldiers and skipping ropes.
Students walked through an old victorian cottage, which was part of the exhibition 'Melbourne Story', and instantly noticed the differences in the way people lived in bygone eras. However, they also found aspects of life that have stayed the same across generations.
In Term 2, students read the book Bowerbird Blues, by Aura Parker, in their Literacy sessions and they were delighted to spot a bowerbird in the 'Forest Walk' exhibition. They recognised the bird by its colour and the many blue items it had collected for its nest.
Daniyal (2LP) – I liked the Forest Walk because I got jump scared by a spider.
Jasper (2LP) – I liked the Forest Walk because I saw a lot of fish.
Ives (2LP) – I liked the Forest Walk because there were lots of different insects like the stick insects.
Envie (1PT) - I liked seeing the forest where the rainbow lorikeets were because they are colorful and friendly.
Zach (1PT) - I liked seeing the lizard in the Forest Walk and the glow in the dark crystals.
The 'Dinosaur Walk' took the students a long way back in history, giving them a feeling of how gigantic creatures were in that era.
Liam (2MC)– I liked looking at the dinosaurs through the goggles.
Kiaan (2MC) – I liked looking at Phar Lap and the dinosaur bones.
Ali (2MC) – I liked the Melbourne Museum because I liked looking at the dinosaur bones.
Ingrid (2LP) – I liked the dinosaur walk because seeing the fossils I could see how the dinosaurs looked in the Jurassic time.
Sai ((2LP) – I liked looking at the dinosaur fossils because there was a tyrannosaurus rex.
Darcy (2LP) – I liked the M elbourne museum because there were a lot of little plastic dinosaurs featured through the museum.
Jamie (1PT) - I loved the Dinosaur Walk and I liked the movie about the dinosaurs.
Charlie (1PT) - I really liked the reality goggles in the Dinosaur Walk, a dinosaur ate me!
Amelia (1PT) - my favorite part of the Melbourne Museum was the Dinosaur Walk, where I saw the Brontosaurus, because that’s my favorite dinosaur.
In the 'Dynamic Earth' and '600 Million Years' exhibitions, students discovered how planet Earth has changed since it was formed and how crystals were created.
Yuven – I liked Dynamic Earth because I liked seeing the 10 million year results of Earth.
Jacob H – I liked going to the Melbourne museum because I liked seeing how much I was worth in gold.
Olivia – I liked seeing the crystals with the vibrant colours.
Alanna – I liked looking at the crystals because I liked the bright and shiny colours.
Keira – I like the crystals and the Bugs Alive.
Sofia – I liked seeing the crystals because they were very shiny and I liked all the colours.
Charlie ( 2LP)– I liked looking at and reading about the crystals.
Ali (1PT) - My favourite part was seeing all the crystals, I loved the colours and shapes.
Xander (1PT) - my favorite thing in the museum was the Melbourne Story because it was kind of creepy and scary.
Did you know there are over 150 million insects for every human on Earth? We learned this and much more about the world of insects, spiders, snails and other invertebrates in the 'Bugs Alive' exhibition.
Ava – I liked bugs alive because the butterflies were pretty.
Sebastian – I liked Bugs alive because there were so many spiders and I had nightmares.
Kiaan 2LP– I really liked the spiders and the dinosaurs because sometimes I research about them.
After our jam-packed and stimulating excursion, we are eager to see what objects from the past, students will bring from home, to create mini museums in our classrooms.
Grade 1/2 Teachers
Paula Paziotis, Karin Tsiandikos-Huf, Llaaneath Poor, Maryanne Cozzio,