From the 5/6 Classrooms

This term seems to be flying by and we are excited to share what’s been happening in our classrooms this term!
Data and Decisions - Smoothie Incursion
As you know, our Grade 5 and 6 students recently participated in The Smoothie Bar incursion, where they worked as budding entrepreneurs creating and marketing smoothies. This engaging experience reinforced concepts from our current inquiry unit, Data and Decisions.
On the day, there was a buzz in the air, not just from the blending of smoothies, but from the students' excitement!
This term in Literacy, our Grade 5 and 6 students have been focusing on poetry, with a special emphasis on learning how a variety of poetic elements can enhance a reader's understanding of a poem. Students have been exploring how their own experiences connect with characters and themes from different poems, and how this may be linked to cultural and historical contexts. They have also been experimenting with poetic structures and language, having a go at flexing their poetic muscles with some free writing challenges.
In Maths, our Grade 5 and 6 students have been working on a range of important concepts. Along with interpreting timetables and calculating elapsed time, they are also learning to add and subtract decimals, with and without digital technologies. Students are using estimation and rounding to check the reasonableness of their answers, multiplying decimals by whole numbers, dividing by non-zero whole numbers, and performing operations with powers of 10. These activities help develop their numerical fluency and problem-solving skills in both real-life and mathematical contexts.
Sports - Battle Ball
As we wrap up our sporting activities for the year in Grades 5 and 6, we’ve introduced an exciting game called Battle Ball! This dynamic game has quickly become a favorite among the students, combining teamwork, strategy, and physical activity in a fun and engaging way. It’s the perfect way to end the year on a high note, with everyone actively participating and enjoying themselves.
We’re always thrilled to see how much enthusiasm the students have for this game, and look forward to closing out the year with a tournament.
Until the next issue,
The Grade 5 & 6 Team