Message from 


School Nurse Janice

Hello everyone, 


Due to the building works on the KLC the Doctors In Secondary Schools Clinic rooms are closed until further notice. 

Fortunately, we have been able to run a very successful Telehealth Clinic today and will continue to offer this service Tuesdays from the 19th of November till end of term.

Please contact the front office or me if you have an enquiry or an appointment. 

A suitable private space and laptop will be provided for the appointment.

Be Sunsmart

As the temperature climbs and Summer approaches I want to encourage all families and student to be Sun Smart. It is so good to see students and staff wearing their hats when in the sun. 

Here are a few facts that we all should remember.

When skin starts to change colour – what people often call a ‘tan’ – that’s a clear sign that damage is being done.

Damage caused by UV radiation is the single biggest factor in skin’s health and appearance, leading to premature ageing and skin cancer.

There is no such thing as a healthy tan.

Sunburn is a sign of UV damage and even after the initial pain, peeling and colour goes away, the damage will linger.

UV exposure adds up over time. Skin remembers and records all UV exposure and DNA damage leading to an increased risk of skin cancer. Sunburn and almost all skin cancers can be prevented by using sun protection.


Janice Deocampo

School Nurse