Principal's Message

Presentation Night and Graduation

This has been a very special week of significant events and celebrations for our College. On Tuesday evening, we gathered at the Perth Concert Hall for our annual Secondary Presentation Night. The night provides our community with the opportunity to acknowledge excellence amongst our students.  Respective year level awards were presented to a large number of students in recognition of their outstanding achievement in the areas of Academic Studies, Christian Service, Sport and Performing Arts. Excellence in student performance in the areas of Music and Dance was also showcased throughout the night with several outstanding items. Once again, the sight and sound of the Trinity Massed Choir to open the evening was a particular highlight, as was the performance of our College Pipe Band who closed a wonderful evening of celebration. I would like to extend congratulations to all of our Student Award recipients and sincerely thank the many, many College Staff who contributed to making the evening such a wonderful success.


The evening also afforded our College community with the opportunity to formally acknowledge our student leaders.  In a very symbolic ceremony, the current College Prefects were able to pass on ‘the office’ of Student Leadership to the newly elected Prefects for 2025.  We wish Louis Burnett (Head Prefect), Christian Di Biase (Deputy Head Prefect), and all of our newly elected Prefects, our good wishes and blessings for next year.

Following on from this, in a series of Graduation events throughout Thursday, our College community was able to farewell and celebrate our Leaving Class of 2024.  The celebrations commenced with a Farewell Breakfast and Assembly hosted by TOBA.  Old Boy and Olympian, Rhys Grant (’04) spoke about his special school experiences and delivered an important message in challenging the boys to live out the mantra of being ‘Men for Others’ through their actions and relationships beyond school. He reminded them that the network of friends that they have made inside our gates will be vitally important sources of support beyond. The Year 12 students then gathered in the Sports Centre for a final Farewell Assembly. Head Prefect, Jamie D’Agostino gave his final reflection. Using the gift of a flower for each boy as a focus, Jamie delivered a heartfelt message about gratitude, the importance of relationships and the true sense of love.  It was a wonderful reminder to all present about the importance of genuine relationships in their lives.

Later in the evening, the Graduation Mass and Dinner were celebrated.  Joined by family and friends at St Mary’s Cathedral, the students participated in a very special Eucharistic Celebration followed by the presentation of Graduation Certificates.  Our Graduates, their parents and College staff then moved to Optus Stadium and enjoyed a lovely meal together. It was a very special evening that provided students, families and staff an opportunity to share stories, reflect on important relationships and wish each other well for the future. 

On behalf of all the College community, I would like to formally congratulate our 2024 Graduating Class and thank them for being such wonderful and humble young men and leaving a special legacy for their school. We trust that as they leave our College, they do so with pride and as people of integrity, with a real sense of self-worth and purpose.  We also take great comfort in knowing that they leave our College with a strong sense of faith and pray that they find peace knowing that God will continue to travel with them on their journey ahead.  We are very proud of them all and offer each young man all of God’s blessings for the future. 


Live Jesus in our hearts


Mr Darren O’Neill 
