Early Years News

Pre-K to Year 2

Dear Early Years Families,

It has already been a busy and exciting start of term, with a variety of events and activities taking place. With summer approaching and the weather starting to warm up, this a timely reminder that all students must be wearing sun protection during break times and outdoor lessons. The college staff are being vigilant to ensure all students are wearing their college hat and I encourage all parents/caregivers to check their child has the correct college uniform every day.

Kindy and Pre-Primary Incursion

Our Kindy and Pre-Primary students enjoyed a fantastic St John Ambulance incursion, where they learned about safety and first aid in an engaging, hands-on experience. Karen and Kura, the teddy bear, from St John’s Ambulance spoke to the students about emergencies and calling 000. After listening to a story about 000 Heroes, all of the students had the chance to take a look in Karen’s ambulance and hear the siren!

FoS Primary Disco

We had an incredibly successful primary disco, last Friday, bringing together our students for an evening of fun, music, and dance. The students had a wonderful time, playing games, singing and dancing.

Socktober Liturgy and Primary Camino

A highlight this week was our Socktober Liturgy (Crazy Sock Day), which was extra special this year as our Kindy students joined the rest of the school for the first time, showing their colourful and creative socks and enthusiasm. This was followed by our inaugural Primary Camino, a reflective walk designed to build community and highlight the importance of mindfulness and togetherness.

Looking ahead

Tomorrow we will be celebrating Frayne House Day, which promises to be a day filled with fun and school spirit. We are excited for the opportunities and events ahead this term and look forward to sharing these special moments with you and your children.


Thank you for your continued support, and we are excited for a wonderful Term Four together!


Kind Regards, 

Mrs Lisa Ripley

Head of Early Years (Pre-Kindy to Year 2)