From the Principal's Desk

Dear Parents,
The next few weeks are going to be very busy and exciting with a number of events occurring. We are looking forward to our Grandparents Morning this Friday, the Bunnings BBQ this Saturday, our ‘One Night Only’ Show next Tuesday and our Mini Mission Fete on Friday 8th November. Following that our Foundation 2025 students will start their Mini Bernie’s Orientation Program and there are incursions and excursions supporting learning throughout the school. Details for these events will be included in the newsletter each week, so please be sure to take a moment to read all the information provided.
I will also be hosting an ‘Sharing Rome & Assisi’ afternoon on Monday 18th November at 2:30pm. I will share my photos and experiences and would love you all to come along and join me. If you are interested in coming along, please rsvp by Friday 15th November by emailing the School Office or telephoning 9384 8500.
World Teacher's Day
This Friday is World Teacher’s Day with a theme of ‘Hats Off to Teachers’. This day provides an opportunity for everyone, parents, students and community to acknowledge the incredible work of our teachers and the contributions they make to the lives of all students in their care. I encourage each family to find a way, even if it is as simple as encouraging students to wish their teacher ‘ Happy World Teachers Day' or offering a thankyou to acknowledge their work.
On your behalf I do acknowledge and thank each of the teaching staff at St Bernard’s for their care, professionalism, hard work and dedication to providing the very best learning community they can for our students.
Grandparents' Day
All grandparents and special older people in our students' lives are invited to our Grandparents Morning, spending some time in classrooms and then joining us for morning tea this Friday 25th October. For catering purposes, RSVPs are due today. We also need your support in providing morning tea for our special guests. Please complete the form on the invitation or email if you can provide any of the following:- sandwiches, cakes, slices, biscuits.
One Night Only Art Show Premier
The world-wide premier of our ‘stop motion’ clips and art show is only a few days away. Hopefully you have your outfits ready for the red carpet photo opportunity and you are excited to see the work of our students. Entry will be via the hall with the clips being shown in each classroom and art displays in the hall, classrooms, the Digi Tech Room and the Italian classroom.
Popcorn and ice cream will be on sale for $2 each, so bring your change or your card to enjoy these treats.
A huge thankyou to Paul Vernuccio from Augustus Gelatari for their extremely generous donation of the ice cream and cones for our event.
Bunnings BBQ
Thank you to those who answered the call over the past weeks to ensure that we have enough volunteers to run the Bunnings BBQ at Bunnings Coburg on Saturday. Special thanks to Andy and Sejla Gunn for taking on the organisation of this important fundraising event. If you weren’t able to help with the stall, perhaps you could venture down to Bunnings and buy a sausage or two.
To ensure this major fundraiser is a success, we kindly ask our school community if you are able to, to please donate cans of soft drink (Coke, Fanta, Sprite, Lemon Squash etc), bottled water, serviettes, bottles of sauce (tomato, mustard, bbq etc) to be sold and/or used on the day. This is such an important fundraising event for us. Last year we made a total profit of $2,843 so your support is much appreciated.
Year 6 2025 Bomber Jacket reminder
A friendly reminder order forms and payment for the Year 6 bomber jacket are now due.
PL Day - Monday 4th November
The next PL Day is on Monday 4th November. There is no school for students on this day. OSHC will be available if the minimum numbers are met. Bookings are essential.
Tuesday 5th November is Melbourne Cup Day as this is a public holiday the OSHC will not be open on this day.
BPC Meeting
The next BPC Meeting is being held on Friday 8th November at 9:00am. Please come and support our planning for 2025.
Annual Christmas Card Competition
Please keep an eye out for a copy of the annual Pascoe Vale electorate Christmas Card Competition. This year’s theme is ‘What Does Christmas Mean to Your Family?’ The winning design will appear on a Christmas Card and message to be distributed across the community. With full credit given to the winning student. Students are asked to submit the information sheet to school by Friday 1st of November. There are some fabulous prizes up for grabs!
Something to Think About
As we approach World Teacher’s Day, this clip highlights why teachers are so important.
Joanne Doherty | Principal