Yanco Rural Fire Service

Thursday, Week 2 saw all students from Yanco head out the gates for a trip through town, over the rail lines and to the Yanco Wamoon Rural Fire Services Base. Taking time out of their busy schedules the amazing volunteers taught each member of our school about how they can stay safe both in town and in the bushland during this and future fire seasons.
Not only did the students get to climb through the engines and learn how this amazing equipment works, they each had the chance to feel the awesome power of those hoses that keep us safe as a community.
Some of the things students discovered included that the RFS not only deals with fires, but they pay an essential role in search and rescue along side other professional and volunteer services.
A very big thank you to the team at the fire house for the delicious lunch and for taking time to care for our community. We know that there is a school of people who have now checked their smoke detectors and have a plan for if fire comes.