National Student Wellbeing Program

The students at Yanco Public:
- have settled back into school work well after the school holidays
- have shown initiative in class activities, as well as with everyone else around them
- have performed really well in their soccer day, with great teamwork and inclusion.
Random highlight:
- the students at Yanco Public School have learned about fire safety, looking at three different fire truck two weeks ago as well as the soccer day too, competing with other schools around the area with incredible results!! Our Year 6 fundraiser, making milkshakes, was a success and are looking forward to the talk with the emergency services tomorrow as we continue learning more about these services.
Upcoming week:
- keep on working on some different team work techniques, enhancing your different skills in communication, and working together with your class mates so that it will continue to be something that will come naturally when we attend these different sport days in the future. Keep up the incredible work with what you guys do together