Learning Support

The students in Mrs Kroek and Mrs Scifleet's literacy group have been working very hard during their small group literacy sessions on Monday to Wednesday.
During these sessions, the students still complete the same spelling lists, read the same focus text (‘Runt’) as they would when with the rest of their class/when back with their whole class group, but with a few slightly different ways of presenting and revising their learning on these three days.
Students have been looking at and revising their spelling words in many ways such as sorting and writing them in alphabetical order, etc. They have also been revising verbs, adjectives, nouns (how to identify, building their knowledge bank of these words, etc.) This has been revised in various ways such as a Halloween themed adjective word search, Halloween verb and noun word sort activity, highlighting adjectives in sections taken from their focus text, etc.
Students have been working on editing, changing things/trying something else when words or parts don't 'look quite correct' in their texts, and remembering to use captials and full stops. This has been done through various means like editing passages to correct errors, contructing their own texts, etc.
Another one of our overall goals is to be able to and to see the value and need in sequencing our ideas in order whether this be when verbally sharing ideas or when constructing written texts.
To do this we have not only used templates to set out texts with the correct structure/order but we have also sequenced texts such as narratives and procedures and even carried out some of the procedures ourselves.
When making fairy bread and decorating bat cupcakes, students were asked to imagine the person who wrote the recipe/procedure rushed ahead to write the step about putting the sprinkles on and only mentioned spreading butter on the bread after this. They could then see that this would mean the process didn’t go as smoothly or work out as they intended. When asked to link this to writing a narrative, students were able to see the need for clear introduction/middle/end parts, to not skip ahead to the end and then go back to say something else that happened at the start within the ending. BUT we all felt very lucky that with our writing, we can go back and add things into the right spot when we are editing.