Principal's News

Dear families,
I sat down with the students on Friday, and we had a mini celebration of what has already been achieved this term. In three weeks, we were welcomed by the RFS and had a visit from our local police. We have been successful at the Leeton Eisteddfod, and with a mark of 85%, placed first in our division. Stage 2 travelled to Narrandera to compete in a Soccer Gala Day and Year 6 have fun a fundraiser movie day.
The weather this week reminds us all of the importance of staying sun safe. We encourage all students to put sunscreen on and will always have it ready for a top up at recess and lunch. Hats continue to be an issue with a number of children not bringing a hat and relying on the potential of a ‘spare hat’. It is the responsibility of children and their families to come to school with the right items. School gives each child a hat when they start. Replacement hats are $12. Students without a school hat are required to stay in shaded areas of the playground.
We have started to collect a large variety of items in lost property. Unnamed items cannot be easily returned. We welcome families in to sort through the lost proerty and collect those items belonging to their children. We are also asking for donations of items that your children may have grown out of. Accidents happen and we are very short of emergency clothing.
Murrumbidgee Short Story Competition
Congratulations to the following students for taking a chance and entering this competition. Angel, Caleb, Taya, Harriet, Blayne, Hudson, Genevieve and Lacey.
First Lego League
Next Wednesday Miss Jeffs will lead a dedicated team of year 4 boys as they compete in the first round of this international competition at Murrumbidgee Regional High School in Griffith. With the theme of Submerged, the students have both research-based innovation tasks they need to complete and robotics components on the day.
Thank you
Mrs Taylor