Captains' Corner 

Kathy-Ann Gugroop and Gabe Loos - College Captains 2023

Hi everyone


Term three is already more than half done!


 There’s not long to go until the end of the school year, and even less time left until the start of year 12 exams. 

However, the later half of term three brings with it some fun celebrations and days of reverence, such as Book Week, and RUOK Day.


Thanks to Ms Keel and the English and Language department for having prepared such a brilliant celebration of literature during book week, which runs during the week ending on September 1st.


The SRC is also working alongside Ms Kemp and Mr Van Es to bring together a celebration of RUOK? Day. RUOK? day is a day to slow down and have some potentially life changing, conversations with one another and build stronger connections with our peers. The sales happening between the 4th to the 14th of September. Especially during the lunchtime on the final day, will go to fundraising for RUOK? Day.

We wish you all the best for what is left of term three, and we hope you enjoy the upcoming celebrations!



– Gabe Loos and Kathy-Ann Gugroop