Italian Excursion

Joe Sirianni- 

Year 8 and 9 Little Italy Excursion 


On Tuesday the 25th of July all of the year 8 &  9 Italian classes went on an excursion to Little Italy in Carlton. On the day we did a lot of fun activities like The Lygon street walk and Visiting the Italian Museum. It was a very memorable day that was packed with many things to see and do. 


During the day we were given little work books to fill out so we could observe and intake all the beautiful sights. Whilst walking down Lygon street we got to see some original Italian stores which was very enjoyable. I personally became very interested in seeing how amazing these stores really are. After walking along Lygon street we made our way to Brunettis to have a wonder around and see all the authentic Italian cuisines. After a browse in Brunettis, we walked down towards the Museum. Once we arrived, we got to go in and see all the beautiful Italian culture. Whilst in the museum we got to see and listen to a whole lot of  immigration stories from Italian immigrants. It was lovely being able to see some of the heart-warming immigration stories from so many Italian families. 


By the end of the day everyone had a great day and learnt a lot about Italian culture. And how beautiful the country of Italy really is. Everybody loved looking at all the stories and cultural inventions. We all had made lots of good memories from this amazing experience and are all very grateful for the teachers who had organised this amazing trip. We all thank the staff who took us on this amazing learning journey.