Junior Learning Program

Patrick O'Connell- Learning Coordinator Humanites

Humanities in focus: Global Youth Forum

Throughout Term 3, several St. John’s students accepted an invitation to participate in an online Global Youth Forum run by Asia Education Foundation and the University of Melbourne. This program invites students from Australia and Asia to meet via Zoom to discuss what it means to be a global citizen in the 21st century. 


Thanks to the tireless dedication and organisation of Mr. Andrew Dias, students from Years 9 to 11 have been able to represent St. John’s Regional College on a Global stage. 



  1. Quratullane ALI (Year 10)
  2. Kiara LAY (Year 10)
  3. Ash UPSTON (Year 11)
  4. Bana TESFAMICHAEL (Year 11)
  5. Lena Finau (Year 9)
  6. Maryrose Amituanai (Year 9)
  7. Marcia Lay (Year 9) 
  8. Mariam Ibrahim (Year 9)
  9. Sithmi Tissera (Year 9) 

Authors: Quratullane ALI (Q) & Kiara LAY

Inspiring and deliberating change is something that fills us with passion. The Global Youth Forum 2023 really initiated that spark and opened up new perspectives for students in Years 10-12, from all around the world. Schools from Victoria (metropolitan and rural), and Asia, all participated in this online forum. We talked about pressing issues that are affecting everyone at a global, community and personal level. Listening to the interesting points that other schools raised gave me valuable insight and provided many wonderful ideas to hopefully implement at SJRC. This helped us, the SJRC team, think about how we can improve our school community. It was a thought-provoking day that also taught us the impact of globalisation. Overall, we are thankful for the opportunity to participate in this program run by Melbourne University and the Asia Education Foundation (AEF).