Principal's Report

D. Donatiello

Mobile Phones in Schools Policy

As of Term 4 2023, students are not allowed to use mobile phones at school. This policy applies to all students in NSW public schools. Any student that needs to bring a mobile phone to school, must bring their phone to the school office before school, where it will be stored securely for the day. The student can collect their phone at 3.10pm before they go home.


Principal Network Awards

Last week, the Cowpasture Principal Network Awards were held at St Johns Park Bowling Club. The St Johns Park Public School award recipients for 2023 were:

  • Amanda Daniels - Administrative and Support Staff
  • Christina Vuong - Early Career Teacher (First 5 years of teaching)
  • Mona Chouieri - Classroom Teacher
  • Glynis Simons - Teacher in an Executive Role

We are very proud of their efforts. Congratulations!


Enrolment for 2024

We are accepting enrolments for 2024, particularly Kindergarten. We are in the process of conducting enrolment meetings and have scheduled two opportunities for Transition to School for Kindergarten. Details will be sent out early in Term 4. Please contact the office or complete the online enrolment application.


Lost Jackets and Hats

As the weather is warming up, there is often a large number of jackets left in the playground. Many of the jackets have no name and therefore it makes it difficult to return to their owner. Please ensure your child's belongings are clearly marked/labelled with their name and class. There are many items of lost property just outside the school office. If your child has lost something, please make some time this week to come and have a look.


School Holidays

This is the last week of Term 3. School Holidays are from Monday 25 September until Friday 6 October. All students return to school for Term 4 on Monday 9 October. There is no School Development Day.

Have a safe and relaxing break.


Quote for Week 10:

"Simply enjoy life and the great pleasures that come with it.”

Karolina Kurkova