Clever Class | Grade 2


Grade 2 have made a great start to Term 3 and have especially been enjoying their learning in Science. We have been focussing on sound and have been learning about how sound is made, how we hear sounds and how sounds travel. We have enjoyed playing, 'What’s That Sound' and participating in science experiments. As part of our investigations about vibrations we have made our own guitars to play.  We were able to create some impressive sounds with them.  Also as part of our science learning we participated in some science webinars. We particularly enjoyed listening to a biologist read her story about whales and talking about her research.


Mrs Rickards has been helping us learn to work as a team. Trying to develop many of those skills that come from working with multiple people. On Fridays, we have been working on design challenges. This design task required us to design a ‘coat’ or outer layer that would keep our ‘baby’ (bottle) warm. Some teams drop in temperature was minimal, whereas other groups had a very noticeable change. We also discovered that if you accidentally dropped the baby (spilled the water) the temperature dropped a lot faster.