Principal's Message

with Mr Brendan Gill

Dear Families


Fair is foul, and foul is fair:  Hover through the fog and filthy air.’ Last week was very theatrical, with students attending two musicals and an inhouse Bell Shakespeare performance.  It is great for our students to experience live theatre, as it is both entertaining and informative, as well as something in which to aspire.  


Talking of theatrical performances, thank you to families and special guests who attended our recent Book Week Parade.  It was the first real event we have held in Emmaus.  Emmaus is really getting a work out.  On that day alone, we had before and after school care, a book week parade, dancing, choir, rock band, Music lessons and school lunches!  It certainly has delivered as a real transformational space for John Paul II Catholic School.  It reflects the high aspirations we have for our whole school community.  Hopefully the library will commence soon.  If you can’t find me, I’ll be in a room with some large scissors trying to cut through the red tape!


Kinder enrolments for 2025 are now open and we are filling up!  It might be an opportune time to remind any families or friends that are interested.  We have very strong interest, so it is likely we will have large numbers as per the demand this year. 


Anyone interested can pick up an enrolment pack from the office or just fill out this form:



Please find below a Save The Date for our Feast Day Celebrations, 

and enjoy our special slideshow of the Book Week Celebrations in this newsletter.


Brendan Gill









Have you seen our new Explore the Future brochure?  

There are so many wonderful projects taking place at JPII to further build a richer learning and school experience for our students and whole school community. Our new School Hall/Multi-Purpose Activity Centre is now open and buzzing with daily. We are now progressing to our new library build which will be amazing!

Download your copy of our new 'Explore the Future' brochure here.