Senior Years News

Supporting Senior Students with final exams

Throughout this term the Year 12s (and any Year 11 student who is undertaking a VCE Unit 3&4 subject) have been working away solidly on SACs and other exam revision in preparation for their final assessments in October and November. Last week the Year 12 students interacted with one of the presenters from Elevate Education for the “Finishing Line” workshop, aimed at helping them to focus on what preparation is required for exams, and how they can manage stress and wellbeing throughout this period.


Throughout the October holiday period, students undertaking Unit 3&4 subjects are required at school for two of the three weeks for revision programs and trial exams. Key dates for this period include:

  • Monday 18 September to Thursday 21 September for the Connect Education Lecture series, run by external facilitators. Timetable for this week is attached below.
  • Monday 2 October to Friday 6 October for Trial Exam Week. All students will need to attend their trial exams. These exams will be invigilated by the external exam supervisors. Once again, the timetable is attached below.

The final exam period runs from Wednesday 18 October to Tuesday 14 November. The attachment below outlines all dates of final exams, which are held at school.

Additional Support - School TV 

If you need to provide your child with additional support and don’t know where to turn, SchoolTV has some excellent resources which may be of value:

Elevate Education Free Parent Seminars

As part of our partnership with Elevate Education, the provider of our Senior Years Study Skills program, our parents have access to a series of free webinars which support the materials being covered in our student workshops.


Elevate Education works with our students, delivering high impact workshops on study skills, motivation, wellbeing, and exam preparation. By tuning into their webinar series you will learn how you can help better support your children at home through reinforcing the skills they learn at school.


The next free webinar is Wednesday 13 September at 6.30 pm. This webinar will cover the important topic “How you can support your child during exams”. Please refer to the flyer below for details on how to register for these webinars.

End of Year Celebrations for Year 12 students

There are only 18 school days left for our Year 12 students (excluding exams). For some of these people, this means their time of thirteen years at GNLC is quickly coming to an end. Celebrating the achievements of these students throughout their time with us is an important rite of passage for our Year 12s as they begin their transition from school to adulthood.


Details of the forthcoming events will be shared with parents in coming weeks, but for now, we invite parents to mark these dates in their diaries – key days you won’t want to miss!

  • Wednesday 18 October 2023: Last Day of school for Year 12s which will involve an Awards Ceremony at the school in the morning.
  • Friday 17 November 2023: Year 12 Valedictory Dinner which will be at an alternative venue in the evening.

Intra-School Debating Nights

The document below outlines proposed dates for students involved in Intra--School Debating Nights. Note that some dates may still be pending confirmation.