School News

National Day of Action 

Last Friday, we acknowledged National Day of Action against bullying and violence with various discussions defining the difference between acting in a rude way, acting in a mean way or being a bully. The students dressed up as their favourite Superhero and participated in activities with their Wellbeing Group. The activity focused on being a good friend to others and standing up for themselves and not being a bystander when faced with something they don’t agree with.  

Father's Day Events

Our annual events for Father's Day are rapidly approaching with our Father's Day Stall (Wednesday 30 August) and Father's Day Morning Tea (Thursday 31 August from 9:15am in the MPR). On Thursday 31 August, all fathers and those who play a fatherly role in our lives are invited into the classrooms from 8:45-9:15am.


Thanks to our Year 2 PA Reps for organising both the Father's Day Stall and Morning Tea.

National Science Week 

Last Friday, to celebrate Science Week, the Preps had a visit from Natasha Carroll (Sienna 2EO and Will Prep CB), an Environmental Scientist. On the day, Natasha ran a Science Experiment. The items needed for the experiment were a container, milk (full cream), cotton tips, dish detergent and food colouring. 


The Preps reflected on their findings:

From watching the experiment, we learnt that there are little droplets of oil in the milk and when we put soap in there, the soap likes to play chasey with the oil droplets. The colour then gets out of the way and makes colourful patterns.


If you would like to undertake the experiment at home, here are the steps: 

Step 1: Pour milk into the dish

Step 2: Add little drops of food colouring into the milk

Step 3: Dip the cotton tips in dishwashing detergent and stick it into the food colouring. Watch the colour run away!


A big thank you to Natasha for coming in to run the experiment and share her wonderful knowledge with us. 


As part of Science Week, the Year 3's were given the following brief to solve:


An unknown insect has been spotted near the school and it’s eating plants in nearby gardens. Our class has been asked to construct traps to catch as many of the insects as possible so that scientists can study it.


As engineers, the students needed to understand the requirements of the trap. It had to attract and catch the insect so it can be studied later. The Year 3’s went straight to work designing and creating their traps.


Here are just some of our designs. We needed to think about colours, smells and the contraption itself when thinking about how to trap our insect.

The Lion King School Musical


Disney The Lion King School Musical - Monday 9 October, 2023 @ 7pm




As per our notifications the other week, as we believe that most families have now purchased their required tickets, all families who wish to purchase more than their 5 original tickets are welcome to do this. 


Please click on the link below to purchase more tickets if you so wish


Tickets are $25 + Trybooking ticket processing fees


School Memories Captured 


Re-live your child's precious memories for decades to come


Please see the attached flyer with information regarding purchasing a streaming version of the School Musical. 


Prayer Program and Mass Attendance for Term 3

Our Prayer and Mass schedule is underway for Term 3 with students enjoying attending Parish Mass with our Grandparents and Special Friends and also the Assumption Mass last Tuesday. Alongside daily classroom prayer, students have opportunities to participate in class and whole school paraliturgies and attend Parish mass as a whole school, and in individual Year Levels. 


Please see below for upcoming dates which you might like to pop in the diary. Please note a changeo of date to the Buddy Paraliturgy. Friends and family are warmly invited to join us.


School-based Paraliturgies

Friday 8 September (11:15 MPR) Years 1 & 2 Paraliturgy (Creation) 

Wednesday 13 September (11:15 MPR) Buddy Paraliturgy: Preps and Years 5 & 6 (Friendship) Change of date


Attending Parish Mass

Friday 1 September (9:15) Years 5 & 6


2023 Term Dates

Term 3

Monday 10 July – Friday 15 September (school finishes at 12.45pm)


Term 4

Monday 2 October – Friday 15 December (school finishes at 12.45pm)

2023 School Closure Days

The following days and dates will be School Closure Days in 2023. 


Term 4

Monday 6 November (Report Writing Day)

Tuesday 7 November (Melbourne Cup Public Holiday) 

Friday 1 December (Planning for 2024)


Miss Peppercorn Lunch Orders - Every Friday


School Lunches are able to be purchased every Friday from Miss Peppercorn. Please see menu below and ordering instructions.