Wellbeing News

Mr Nick Criniti 


Dear Parents,


September 14 is  ‘ R U OK?’ day

The message for this year is ‘I’m here to hear’ and aims to continue the conversation with the people close to you. During challenging times, regularly connecting with people is more important than ever as your genuine support can make a difference in someone’s life and the challenges they face, whether big or small. 


In week 10, students in K-6 will have the opportunity to participate in a 'sip, share, and create' where they will engage in mindful collaboration with their peers and enjoy a juice. The aim is to allow students to engage in mindful conversations with their peers in a calm and comfortable environment. 


Be You Fact Sheet- Mindfulness 


Being mindful means awareness of your own moment to moment internal and external experiences, with gentleness and acceptance and without judgment. It’s a state of being that encourages us to slow down, focus on the present, accept things as they are, and act with discernment. When we do this, we’re less distracted by thoughts of the future and the past, which can often make us worry and stop us from enjoying the present moment. 


You’ve probably noticed that children and young people are much better at being mindful – it’s natural to them. While we might be hurrying them to get to school on time, they’ll stop to look at butterflies, flowers or bugs and be immersed in that moment, with no worries about the past or future. As adults, however, we’re often thinking about what we need to do next or what we wish we’d done differently. 

Feel free to access the mindfulness factsheet and engage in some of the activities 

below at home. 


Click here to access this Mindfulness Fact Sheet  

Character Strengths 

In Weeks 9 and 10 of this term, each grade will focus on specific character strengths during PD/H/PE lessons. Please see an outline of each grade focus:




I tell people I love them. I miss them when they are not around.


Year 1 

Self-Control (Regulating Emotions)

I watch what I do and say.


Year 2


I give good advice to the people in my life. 


Year 3

Sense of Meaning

I think about life and how everything is connected.


Year 4


I quietly show people what I do instead of bragging.


Stage 3

Leadership (Yr 5)

I like to tell others how they can get things done

Creativity (Yr 6) 

I like to use my imagination


We look forward to continuing these initiatives in celebrating and improving wellbeing here at St Francis Xavier.


Nick Criniti
