Assistant Principal's 


Ms Fiona Scullion

Assistant Principal (acting)

On Tuesday 29th August, I had the honour of taking six Stage Three students to participate in the Inaugural Invictus Challenge. 

The aim of the Challenge was to provide the opportunity for representative teams of Gifted and Talented students from each of the Ashfield Olympic Park Network Primary Schools to compete for the Invictus Challenge trophy. 

The day involved students working in teams across various challenges in Mathematics, English, Science, creative and critical thinking, engineering and general knowledge. Each group was assigned a high school representative from St Vincent’s College and our team was lucky enough to have our past student Christian Sudic. Christian was delighted to be back working with his primary school. 

Jayden, Madeleine, Evinda, Alexia, Abigail and Arianna worked through each challenge that was presented to them with diligence, optimism and modesty in their ability. 

Our wonderful team took the first place prize for the General Knowledge category, although they do need to work on their knowledge about Australian cricket!

To top off a wonderful day of learning, our team was named as the overall winner of the first ever Invictus Challenge! It was a very unexpected win for our modest students - clearly they were the all-rounders on the day who scored high across all areas. 

Proud is an understatement - what role models these students are for the students at St Francis Xavier. 

The two trophies are displayed in the front office. 

We are looking forward to next year already!


Parking around the School

A reminder to our parent community to please be respectful of our school neighbours. We have received a large number of complaints about cars parked across driveways during drop off and pick up times. 

One neighbour was unable to leave her driveway as it was blocked. Many of our neighbours are elderly members of the community and we are asking our school community to be mindful of doing the right thing so we can maintain our positive and respectful relationship with our community. 


Kind regards,

Fiona Scullion

Assistant Principal (acting)