Principal's News

Ms Grace Carlo-Stella

Principal (acting)

Dear Parents,


Term three continues to be filled with great memories.

Merici Hall

St Angela Merici
St Angela Merici

We are thrilled to announce that Fr. Richard and the parish have decided to name the parish hall "Merici Hall." It's a name that carries deep historical and spiritual significance, honouring the legacy of St. Angela Merici, the foundress of the Ursuline Order, and her commitment to education and community service.

As a school, we are fortunate to be able to use Merici Hall daily for various activities, from assemblies to school events. The hall's name now reminds us of the values we hold dear, and the sense of unity that comes from being part of the St. Francis Xavier community.


St Francis Xavier Catholic Community Ashbury celebrates 95 years of Parish Life 1928-2023 on Sunday 5 November 2023 at the 10.00 am mass. The Principal Celebrant will be Bishop Danny Meagher, Auxiliary Bishop of Sydney. This will be followed by the Dedication of the Parish Hall to St. Angela Merici Founder of the Ursuline Sisters. After the dedication, you are invited to morning tea in the Merici Hall. 

We invite all of you to join us on this memorable occasion.

Celebrating Father's Day

Last week, we had a heartwarming Father's Day assembly. It was fantastic to see so many dads and granddads attending and visiting our classrooms. A big thank you to the Friends of Francis and the Year Two parents for organizing a delightful morning tea. 

The Father's Day stall was a huge success, and we want to extend our gratitude to the parents who dedicated their time to set up and serve the students.


A Magical Performance: 'Aladdin Trouble'

Our musical production, 'Aladdin Trouble,' is fast approaching, and we couldn't be more excited. Tickets went on sale yesterday, and they have been selling fast. Our students have been putting in their best efforts and a huge thank you to all the teachers for their hard work. Special mention goes to Miss Kirrily Biskupic and Mrs. Ravilya Sedlar for teaching the students the songs, dances and piecing it all together. We also want to acknowledge Mrs. Vicki Armstrong for her dedication in preparing the props needed for the big night.

Hydration Made Easy

In the coming week the school bubblers will be replaced with water bottle filling stations and some new bubblers. This change will allow students to fill their water bottles easily while still having a few bubblers available.


In our next newsletter, we will include the important dates for Term 4. Please note that September 22nd will be a pupil-free day. Our staff will be participating in a spirituality day, embracing our school motto "Serviam" by serving others in the community.


As always, we appreciate your continued support and involvement in our school community. Together, we can make St. Francis School a place of growth, learning, and unity.


Looking forward to seeing you at our annual musical concert.


Kind Regards,


Grace Carlo-Stella 

Principal (acting)