From the Office 

News From the Principal

NAPLAN Results

The results are in, and the verdict is..... our kids are truly awesome (not that we needed a test to tell us that)! 

Due to low numbers of students, I need to be careful so as not to identify individual students, but here is a snapshot of our students' wonderful achievements: 

Year 3 Reading - we had 100% of students achieve Exceeding or Strong Proficiency Levels with the State Average being 70% and Similar Schools at 55%.

Year 3 Writing- our school achieved 100% of students with Strong Proficiency, out-performing both the State Average of 61% and Similar Schools with 41%.

Year 5 Numeracy - we had 100% of students achieve Exceeding or Strong Proficiency Levels, well above the State Average of 68% and Similar Schools at 37%.

Year 5 Grammar & Punctuation -our school achieved 100% of students with Strong Proficiency, once again strongly out-performing the State Average of  64% and Similar Schools at 39%.


With results like this, coupled with all of the amazing events and opportunities our students have compared to many other schools, why wouldn't people make the choice to send their kids to Raywood Primary School? 

End of Term Footy Day


On the last day of Term 3 (next Friday) we will be holding a Footy Day. Just as we have done in other years, we encourage our students and staff to come dressed in footy colours for the day. Kelly Sports will run a footy clinic for our students and we will complete some other footy themed activities. 

We will also hold a Special Lunch on this day, which will be footy feasting food (mini pies, sausage rolls, cocktail franks and mini potato cakes). There is no cost to the students for this lunch. (Breakfast Club will not run on this day to allow time for lunch preparation).   

A reminder that on the last day of term we finish school one hour earlier than normal. This means students will be dismissed at 2.20pm and the bus is due to drop off an hour ahead of schedule. 

Smile Squad

The lovely team from Smile Squad (the dental service that visited some of our students

 earlier in the year) will be back on Friday September 15th to do a fluoride treatment follow up visit with those students they saw late in Term 1. Permissions were already signed for this visit when families first indicated their participation in this free service. If you have any questions with regard this, please contact Lisa before this day. A reminder that this service is free at occurs on site at school. 

Have you completed your online Parent Opinion Survey yet? This survey closes tomorrow and we would REALLY love it if we could get a parent from each family to have participated in it. Having all of our families complete this survey, shows the Education Department that our families are invested in our school. If you need the link and log in details please text Lisa ASAP and they can be forwarded on to you. 

School Council News

Cookie Dough Fundraiser- although we did not get a huge amount of orders, those few that did order, ordered quite a few tubs. We also received a generous donation from a Raywood Local who did not wish to buy any dough, but wanted to contribute to the kids camp costs- how wonderful is that?

As a result of this fundraiser, we are able to offer a $30 per student reduction in camp fees for this year. Bree will adjust the amount owing on each our the Year 3/4 and Year 5/6 accounts. Thank you to those people who did support this fundraiser and ultimately, our 2023 campers! 

We are also happy to report that Stage 2 of our playground has been ordered. We will hold a working bee on a weekend prior to the installation of the new equipment, as we need to dismantle the older existing equipment. 

Our next School Council Meeting will be held next term on Monday 23rd of October, commencing at 5pm. 

Father's Day Stall

Our Year Six students used their leadership skills once again, this time to set up and run our annual Father's Day Stall. Our students each had the chance to select some small gifts for their dad. As you can see from the photos below, choosing was a lot of fun, but the best fun was the feeling you get when you do something nice for someone else- especially when that person is someone we love. 

I hope that all of our Raywood Dads had a wonderful day last Sunday. 

Lunch Orders

Raywood Eats are offering to supply weekly lunch orders to our students, beginning next term. These will be supplied on Wednesdays only. 

Student lunches can be ordered by writing the student name and their order on an envelope or paper bag and sending along to school on Wednesday mornings (or in the days prior). No phone orders to school please. Please place the money for the order into the envelope/bag - change can be given, but it is best if you can have close to the correct amount in the envelope. 

A menu/pricelist will be forwarded to families next week and I will also place this on our website for future reference. If you have any questions please contact Lisa at the school.   

Food Share

Our wonderful Year Six Leaders will head to Dingee/East Loddon next week to pack the community grocery boxes. A box will be available to each school family and will be sent home on Wednesday night. Bon Appetit! 


That's all for this week- Lisa Duffy































