Prep News

100 Days of Prep!

On Wednesday 3 August we had a very special day - it was 100 Days of Prep!


Prep A

The children had so much fun celebrating 100 days of learning!


The Preps really enjoyed creating their ‘100 Days crown’, a special activity which they were lucky enough to share with their Year 5 Buddies.


Prep B



Prep C


We made '100' placemats and the children were very excited to share their 100 items with their classmates. The Preps had brought to school all sorts of little items like buttons, feathers, stickers, pom-poms and Ooshies! The children had fun decorating their posters and the teachers took photos.

The day was a wonderful celebration, topped off with bubbles on the mounds and a beautiful guard of honour from the Year 5 Buddies as the Preps left school for the day.


Prep Assembly

The Preps all love getting together each fortnight to celebrate those who have excelled at demonstrating the PYP Learner Profile Attributes. 


Primary Years Programme schools, like BNPS, believe these attributes, and others like them, can help individuals and groups become responsible members of local, national and global communities. 


Each week we celebrate children who have shown themselves to be: caring, principled, risk-takers, inquirers, open-minded, reflective, balanced, thinkers, communicators and knowledgeable. 


At our Prep Assemblies 4-6 students from each class are awarded with a certificate. Congratulations to last week's recipients!

Life Education

The Preps loved meeting Harold and taking part in the Life-Education lesson - Harold’s Friend Ship. 

The Preps recognised the importance of positive relationships and practiced strategies to manage their feelings and emotions.


We focused on how to be a good friend and how to help ourselves and others in different situations by considering different ways to be kind to others, ways to make new friends, different emotions and feelings, and how these might feel in our bodies. 

We considered ways we can calm ourselves when we're upset and people who can help us in unsafe situations.

The Preps thoroughly enjoyed the lesson and learning all about friendship, and what makes a good friend. They participated in a few games, had the opportunity to answer and ask questions and then had a photo with Harold.