Cranbourne Campus News

Reminder about Uniform
St Peter's College Uniform Policy permits students to wear either the full winter uniform or the full summer uniform for the final two weeks of term 3; nb. -but students cannot wear a mixture of summer and winter uniforms.
It is also the right time to remind families that students are not permitted to wear the school spray jacket with the school uniform at school. If cold, students can choose to wear the blazer or the jumper as their outer garment but the spray jacket is only to be worn when raining or with the sports uniform. The College uniform is expensive for families and when worn well denotes self pride and pride in your school and so teachers will continue to work with parents/caregivers to ensure students can meet their uniform obligations.
Be on the lookout for a rise in stress levels as the end beckons
Many (far too many) years of secondary school experience has taught me that the long term 3 and the trudge out of winter means that the final two weeks of term 3 are the time when patience wears thin for many of our senior students (and staff). School based assessments (SACs), the thought of a September holiday with a nose nestled into text books studying instead of on the beach and the impending VCAA exams or thought of apprenticeships for Vocational Major students leads to a build up of tension. While some students manage this tension well, and others grow resilience from the experience, there is a small group of students for whom the stress can build up and lead to an uncharacteristic meltdown or period of sullen behavior . Invariably this is communicating a message to us . Below are some words of wisdom that might work as you find yourself as parents, tip toeing on eggshells.
⇒ It is always better to respond rather than to react to a young person's stressful outburst. When under stress everything seems like a catastrophe and they don't need an adult pouring petrol on their fire at that initial moment in time..
⇒ self care is important for you to exercise and to recommend for your child . This includes correct nutrition, regular exercise. keeping up the water intake, excellent sleep habits, having fun, laughter and singing and of course BREATHE!
⇒ At school, teachers have been using a C.A.L.M. protocol to ensure that our interaction' with the young person does not further escalate the stress
Communication ~ clear and concise communication
Awareness ~ exercise some emotional intelligence in being AWARE Of what is happening for the young person ( and around them ) at the time
Listen ~ means being willing to see through the emotions and listen to what is being communicated with both words and actions (behavior)
Make safe ~ this is all about ensuring that the Young person is not left alone when in a highly escalated or vulnerable state.
I hope that these 4 simple words can help you to better manage when emotions grab hold of the young person in your house and transfer them into an uncontrollable rage or blubbering mess.
A couple special days to be aware of as you end the term
Monday 4th September ~ Father's Day breakfast 7:45 am - 8:30am
Friday 8th September ~ Year 5's from St Therese's and St Agatha's join us for an introductory tour and welcome
Tuesday 12th September ~ Year 11 Leadership day in anticipation for nominations for the next generation of student leaders at St Peters!
Tuesday 12 Sept ~ also Active / Footy Colors day ~ dress code rules are on SPACE
Thursday 14th September ~ RUOK Day which means shortened periods and a Colour run to finish the day (only for those with a white shirt.)
Fri 15th Sept ~ Official Openings of our most recent three buildings
Jeremy Wright
Deputy Principal - Head of Cranbourne Campus