Clyde North Campus News

Welcome to week eight and nine of term three. We are starting to get a slight hint of spring as the weather warms and daylight lasts a little longer each day. The term maybe ending in two weeks, but our days are still busy with extra-curricular activities and the great work being done in the learning and teaching sphere. This is my last newsletter for this term as I head off on long service leave for the last two weeks of term. Mr Peter Brannan will take on the Action Head of Campus role, Mr John O’Sullivan returns to the Acting Pastoral Care Leader role alongside Mr Eshan Islami who once again steps into the Glowrey House Leader role. I thank them for their willingness to take on these important roles and their continued commitment to students, parents, and teachers. I look forward to seeing you all in Term 4.
Year 8 Vaping and Health Workshop
We are all aware of the serious issue facing our young people regarding Vaping. Some experts are even calling it a Vaping Pandemic and recently the government has passed tougher laws regulating the use, purchase, and supply of vapes to adults. However, many of our young people are not getting the message about the damage vaping can cause to one’s health. Education is always critical in changing people’s perceptions, actions, and mindset. To support our young people, we have engaged the Blurred Minds Academy in conjunction with the Griffith University to present their evidence-based workshop focused on Vaping and Health. For this workshop we have targeted our year 8 students and anticipate targeting the other year levels as we continue to engage with the Blurred Minds Academy.
This workshop will be held on 11th of September and focus on addressing the latest evidence on vaping and health:
- Explore reasons for vaping and its popularity.
- Present in simple terms the latest evidence on the known health risks of vaping on the human body and brain.
- Dispel the myths around the health benefits and harm reduction of vapes.
- Engage students in discussing the reasons for the use of vaping and explore the alternative coping strategies they can employ to stop vaping.
It is hoped that every student will walk away with an improved understanding of the adverse health effects of vapes and an increased capability to refuse vape related offers. We want our young people to be empowered to say no to vaping and any other enticement such as drugs and alcohol that are unhealthy and potentially very harmful.
Health and PE Week
Health and PE week begins on Monday 4 th September. This is a great initiative that has been run for many years by the Health and PE team. During this week students and staff will have the opportunity to participate in fun and physical activities, no matter the skill level of the participants. The emphasis is on moving and having fun. All students are encouraged to be active and participate in the recess and lunchtime activities presented during this week. Last week saw what we hope to become an annual event and that was a staff vs student soccer match. It was a great day last Friday as the sun shone and both teams rose to the challenge. A huge crowd turned out to witness what might not be great skills but was certainly a wonderful display of fun and sportsmanship. We can look forward to the upcoming Dodge ball staff vs students match alongside many more lunch time activities. My thanks to all staff and students who put themselves forward to play and provide the rest of us with much amusement and fun. These activities bring us much joy and remind us to look out for one another by including everyone in the fun. This is a perfect way for us to lead into the coming week when we focus on checking in with each other and asking the critical question R U OK?I wish you all a safe and productive week.
Remember with gratitude optimism is sustainable.
Mrs Julie Banda
Deputy Principal - Head of Clyde North Campus