Wellbeing and Inclusion

at Willy


Dear families,


On Friday 18 August 2023, Williamstown Primary is participating in the National Day of Action against Bullying and Violence (NDA). The NDA is Australia’s key bullying prevention initiative for schools, connecting schools and communities to implement workable solutions to prevent bullying. 


Planning for a safe and supportive school community requires a whole-school community approach. Whole-school responses to bullying prevention builds positive and supportive school environments by incorporating strategies for intervention at all levels, inclusive of students, teachers, parents and carers. 


Three key characteristics outlined in the national definition of bullying distinguish bullying behaviours from other negative behaviours which are not bullying. The key characteristics of bullying include:

  1. power imbalance
  2. deliberate intent to cause harm, and
  3. ongoing and repeated behaviour.



While the following behaviours are not bullying, they may still be serious and require intervention at home and at school:

  • arguments and disagreements (where there is no power imbalance)
  • single acts of social rejection or unkind behaviour, or
  • isolated incidents of aggression, intimidation or violence.


For more information about the NDA and bullying prevention, visit the Bullying. No Way! website.




Kind regards,


Lisa Leydin

Assistant Principal


Support Services

A range of services are available to support children, teens, adults and families maintain wellbeing.