School Wide Positive Behaviour

This year, Mitcham Primary School has begun implementing the Department of Education initiative of School Wide Positive Behaviour Support (SWPBS). The aim of SWPBS is to develop strategies that are adopted across the entire school with the aim of setting clear, consistent expectations and positive values. At MPS we use our current school values of Kindness, Respect, Love of Learning and Resilience to develop strong positive expectations around behaviour. We have had a team of 7 staff complete the SWPBS training and they have been sharing their learning with the rest of the staff.
This term we have begun to introduce our positive behaviour expectations in different settings around the school. Staff and students were involved in the development of what represents our Mitcham values in each setting. Students then took part in discussions around what the values look like, feel like and sound like in each setting. This term we have introduced the play spaces and assembly expectations settings.
We look forward to continuing to introduce more settings to the students next term and beginning other aspects of SWPBS, including acknowledgment tokens.