Principal Message

Term 3 - Week 8 - Friday 1st September

Dear Mitcham Primary School Community,


I hope this newsletter finds you well as we dive headfirst into another exciting fortnight at our wonderful school. There's been so much happening that I can hardly contain my excitement as I share all the fantastic news with you!


First and foremost, let me extend my heartfelt congratulations to our students for their exceptional performance during the 3-Way Conferences at the beginning of the fortnight. It was truly heartwarming to see our students confidently and eloquently sharing their progress and next steps with parents and guardians. Your hard work and dedication are commendable!


Our Book Week celebration and dress-up day was a tremendous success. A big shoutout to our dedicated Librarian, Michelle Philips, for her tireless efforts in fostering a love for reading and organising fun competitions that brought the magic of books to life.

Our awesome MITCHAM teachers!
Our awesome MITCHAM teachers!

Another sincere thank you goes out to Aysha Rowe and her fantastic team of helpers for organising and running this year's Father's Day stall. It was touching to witness our students shopping for gifts to pamper their dads and other special people with on Father's Day. It's a testament to the strong sense of community that we have at Mitcham Primary School.


Speaking of community efforts, I want to recognize the incredible work put in by Miss K, our dedicated teachers, and our talented student performers in preparing for our upcoming production of "The Little Mermaid JR." The rehearsals have been filled with dedication, creativity, and a whole lot of fun. We can't wait to witness their spectacular performances next week.


In sports news, our Grade 5/6 Hoop time teams made us proud. Congratulations to the 'All Stars' team for their outstanding performance and for clinching the grand final victory. It's a testament to the hard work and teamwork that our students put into their sports endeavours.

Grand Finalists
Grand Finalists

Our second 2024 Prep Transition session was a lively success. Our incoming Preps had a blast learning about the colours of the rainbow, participating in songs, stories, and engaging in a fun art activity. It's heartwarming to see our youngest learners embark on their educational journey with such enthusiasm.

Our Grade 3/4 students had an incredible opportunity for outdoor learning at the camp to Narmbool and Sovereign Hill in Ballarat. These experiences provide a wealth of knowledge and unforgettable memories for our students.

Duty Group
Duty Group

Lastly, I'm thrilled to announce that we have the eagerly awaited performances of "The Little Mermaid JR" coming up next Tuesday and Thursday evenings. It promises to be a magical and entertaining event for all. We can't wait to see you there!

Thank you for your continued support, and let's look forward to more exciting times ahead at Mitcham Primary School. Together, we continue to nurture and inspire our remarkable students.


Wishing all Mitcham dads, a Happy Father's Day for Sunday.


Warm regards,

