Concert 2023

Tomorrow all St James students and staff will travel by bus to Crossways. We will be leaving at 9:00am and return to school by 3:00pm. At Crossways, students will rehearse on the stage that they will be performing on over the two evenings to help them feel comfortable and become familiar with their routine for the evening, including entering and exiting the stage. 


Students are required to wear school uniform on the day, and bring their lunch, snack, freggie and drink bottle in a small backpack clearly labelled. We ask that students avoid bringing their school bag on the day. Given that there will be time for students to have a break from rehearsal, students may bring along a book, playcards, pencils or a colouring book to use during this time. No textas please. Please note that no electronic devices are to be brought to the venue. Students are not required to bring their costumes on the rehearsal day. 


Please find attached further details about the performance including drop off and pick up times, a mpa, costumes and make up for your information.



Please note that children are supervised by teachers and LSOs at all times during the rehearsal day and concert nights - back stage or seated in auditorium.


School classes will operate as normal on the mornings of Wednesday 30th & Thursday 31st following the previous nights performance. If children need an extra sleep in, feel free to have them arrive late. If so, come to the office with your child/ren and sign them in via normal sign in procedures.


The concert performance is the same on both evenings and all children are required to perform on both nights. While this is compulsory for students, parents do not need to attend both nights. If you haven't purchased your tickets, it's not too late -


If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the office on or phone 9874 1830.


Looking forward to sharing this performance with you all.