Principal's Welcome

Principal - Simon Haber

Dear community, 


Welcome to our first Brinbeal News publication. Through this publication we aim to provide you with regular opportunities to see the progress of our new school in readiness for our first cohort of year 7’s to begin in 2024.


It is my great pleasure to be the Foundation Principal for Brinbeal Secondary College which will officially open for the first day of Term 1 2024 with an estimated 160 Year 7 students. As our first Year 7 students, this will be an exciting opportunity for them also, as they will have the opportunity to experience a “lot of firsts” for our new school – from being the first students to enter in 2024 to being our first graduates of Year 12 in 2029.


It is with great excitement that we welcome you to Brinbeal Secondary College. We thank you for your decision to send your child to our school next year and look forward to a positive and productive six-year partnership with you. 


Preparations are well underway, and construction is progressing very smoothly. If you haven’t had the opportunity to drive past recently, we have included some construction photo updates further in this newsletter.


Located in the Wyndham growth corridor of Tarneit West on Connaught Road, Brinbeal Secondary College will provide students from the Tarneit community a wide range of diverse and outstanding opportunities in an orderly and inclusive learning environment that promotes and fosters educational attainment and academic excellence for all.


Brinbeal Secondary College is committed to providing a safe, supportive, and inclusive environment for all students, staff and members of our community. Our school recognises the importance of the partnership between our school and parents and carers to support student learning, engagement, and wellbeing. We share a commitment to, and a responsibility for, creating an inclusive and safe school environment for our students.


Our mission at Brinbeal Secondary College is to provide a rich, inclusive, and diverse learning experience with strong held school values for all students and for all students to be resilient, confident and respectful global citizens with a desire for learning and tolerance and acceptance towards all members of our community.


We respect inclusion, diversity, and indigenous heritage. We will always aspire for continuous improvement in all our students as they grow into adulthood. We will live by our motto, “Respecting diversity through inclusion”, and look forward to our students emerging as empowered young adults who are resilient, highly productive, and successful global citizens.


We look forward over the coming months to get to know all our new students and families who will be joining us in 2024.