Student News

100 Days of Prep
On Wednesday the 2nd of August, Foundation students celebrated 100 days of school. Students dressed up as though they were 100 years old and participated in a range of 100 themed activities. We are so proud of everything we have achieved in Foundation so far this year and were so excited to have the opportunity to celebrate our learning and our time at school so far. Well done to all Foundation students!
Veggie Garden News
Thank you to the many parents who gave generous donations in exchange for fresh produce at last Friday’s veggie garden market stall. Garden club members sold organically-grown snow peas, silverbeet, parsley, coriander, oregano, and small bunches of flowers. They raised $50.90 which has now been put towards buying more seeds and worm farm equipment.
We will continue to hold a small market garden stall on the deck outside the Year 1/2 classrooms every Friday afternoon at approx 3:20 pm. Please bring small cash/coins to donate if you’d like to buy our organically-grown produce and support our next generation of sustainable gardeners to “bel-leaf in themselves!
Year 4 Scienceworks Excursion
On Thursday August 10th the grade 4's visited Sciencework. At the start of the day we came into our classrooms, did our roll and the teachers reminded us of the expectations for the day. We hopped on the bus and made our way across the city, we had a long trip ahead of us. The bus ride took us 1 hour and the city was very pretty. It was nice and fun to chat with all our friends. We even went over the Bolte Bridge Once we arrived we got out of the bust and we put our bags away. It was amazing and big! The first room our class visited was the Robotics and Coding room.
We learnt all about some different AI (artificial Intelligence) and we all had so much fun controlling our robots using codes. This was probably one of my favourite parts, as the guide was very kind and funny. Then we went and had a break outside and play on the playground, the adults got to buy coffee and they said it was great. Next, we went to visit the 'Think ahead' and 'Sportsworks' sections, we split into smaller groups so we could explore more areas.
We saw so many cool things! - in the 'think ahead' section you can imagine how advances in science will change the way we live. We looked at objects from the past, the present and the speculative future. The Sportsworks area explores the science of sports, how human bodies work, and design, materials and technologies of sports equipment.
After this we went and had lunch and we got to play on the playground. Lastly, we went to a room called 'Beyond Perception'. It was soooo cool, there was gravity defying stuff, couches to sit on, lights, soundwaves, invisible force and magnifying things in our world.
We then headed back to school on the bus for another hour trip home, most of us slept on the way back. It was such a great experience and we all had a great time at Scienceworks.
Reena and Florence 4M
School Soccer Team
This year the Grade 6 boys formed a soccer team who accomplished many achievements. We won all of our inter school soccer matches, won the division tournament and then made it all the way to the regional tournament. We had an awesome season but unfortunately we lost in the grand final to get into the state tournament.
All in all, the team played an amazing season and had a great journey that started in Term 1 and lasted so long it ended on Wednesday 23/8/23, near the end of Term 3.
We thank all the staff members who have helped us along this journey, and hope next year we can have another amazing season!
By the soccer team captains, Noah and Ethan C