Father's Day Information

We will be having a Father’s Day Breakfast on Friday 1 September. The Breakfast, which will be a bbq, pancakes and tea or coffee, is designed for our working dads or significant adult eg Grandpa. There will be 2 sessions. First Session will commence at 7.00am to conclude 7.45am and the second session will commence at 8am to conclude at 8.45am. St Agatha's children and toddlers are welcome to join their dads.
We are asking for donations of eggs, bacon, orange and apple juice. If you able to donate please donate only on Tuesday 29 and Wednesday 30 August. Juices can be donated earlier.
For catering purposes please respond by Monday 28 August . The invite has been sent via PAM. Please respond to the invite on PAM. There will be no paper copies being sent out.
We ask for Father's Day Photos to be emailed to enrolments@stacbourne.catholic.edu.au by Monday 28 August
Payment for Father's Day stall is now available on CDFpay. The cut-off is Wednesday 30 August at 8am Sharp.