Principal's News

Courage, Faith, Love
Dear Parents and Friends of St Agatha's Primary School,
Last weekend, Father Joseph returned to our Parish after spending four months on sabbatical. It was so wonderful to see him again after so long. The Year Four children participated in a Reconciliation prayer service today at the Church were very excited to say hello to Father Joseph! We also learned this week that Sister Mary has been appointed Superior General of the Sister of the Nativity Community in Nigeria. She leaves on Tuesday. This Sunday there is a Morning Tea after Mass to farewell Sister Mary. While we are saddened to see Sister Mary leave our community, I am sure you will agree at how proud we are of her achievements and wish her all the very best in this stage of her journey. We trust in God that He will guide and protect Sr Mary in her work and life in Nigeria.
We have had such a fun couple of weeks. Mr V has been gearing everybody up ready for our major community event that will take place on Tuesday 12th September. This is in the last week of school! As the school community raises money for the Colour Run prizes and incentives are offered. At last count the school community had raised over $14,000!
Here are some photos of the brave Mrs Maddelena who offered to be 'slimed'! For those of you who are wondering, her hair is OK and the green finally came out before she boarded the plane to the USA for her Long Service Leave.
In other news, we completed our School Review. The Review took place last week and involved three days with three DOSCEL reviewers who interviewed staff, students and parents. The process is undertaken every four years and provides the School with a clear direction of our goals for the next four years.
Loving God, Just as we have poured this water into the empty bowl, please fill all of us with your loving spirit. Help us to become fountains of your living water and to show your love and kindness to others in the midst of a thirsting world. We pray this prayer in the name of God, who is the 'living water'. Amen
Have a wonderful week and take care,
Michelle Bruitzman