School Wide Positive Behaviour School

The SWPBS team have been hard at work this year and were very excited to launch our new DPS value banners at the Welcome Back BBQ. We were so grateful to chat to families on the night about SWPBS and how important it is to teach expected behaviours to our students in the same way we teach Literacy and Numeracy skills.

Term 1 - In the Classrooms


Classes have spent the first 4 weeks of term carefully unpacking each of our school values:  Respect, Responsibility, Compassion and Resilience. Students have had the opportunity to discuss and share ideas about each value and then participate in activity building upon their understanding. Junior students have listened to stories and senior students have watched TED talks presented by children from around the world talking about each of our values.


Whilst unpacking our school values students also created class expected behaviour posters. Students shared their ideas on how they would like each of the school values demonstrated in their classroom. They discussed how the values should make us feel, how they should sound and what they should look like in our classroom communities.



Students have also listened to (or were read to) the picture book 'Maybe' written by Kobi Yamada. 'Maybe' is  a story about all the possibilities ahead. It is for who you (students) are right now and it's for all the magical, unbounded potential students hold inside. With its beautiful visual storytelling and timeless message, 'Maybe' is an inspiring story for kids of all ages.

You are the only you there ever has been or ever will be. You are unique in all the universe. Just the odds of you being here at this exact place and this exact time are so great and so rare that it will never happen again".


Behaviour Of The Week (BOTW)

Now that the school values and expecteations have been unpacked, classes will now focus on a behaviour of the week that each student will be explicitly taught and expected to demonstrate throughout the week. This week's behaviour of the week is around RESPECT and RESPONSIBILITY  - walking in our corridors quietly, holding any sports equipment and being mindful of moving respectfully around other people who are sharing the same space.


Look out for next week's behaviour of the week (BOTW)