News from the Office

Harmony Week

Teeth On Wheels Dental Van

There is still time to book your child in for a dental check-up online using the QR code below:

Step into Prep for 2026 Students! 

Our Step into Prep program is back for all children starting school in 2026. Register now if you have children ready for school next year or spread the word to other families!


A gentle reminder that ALL students need to wear their school hat this term. As we are a SunSmart school, we take very seriously the need to be sun smart. This includes

  • Wearing the approved broad-brimmed Donvale school hat outside
  • Encouraging students to come to school wearing a broad-spectrum water-resistant sunscreen (30+) and to reapply it during the day 

If students do not wear or have a hat, they will be restricted to play in the designated shade areas.


Lost property

If your child has misplaced any of their belongings at school, we have two lost property boxes. One at the tiger turf end of the junior building, and the other opposite the after school care room in the middle school building. 

Please ensure all your child's belongings are named clearly so it is easier for them to be found when they are misplaced. 


Birthday wishes to the following students celebrating birthdays from March 6th-March 19th:

Kian O, Ayla J, Micah S, Oliver L, Kiana Y, Ella P, Aaqil G, Jackson B, Scarlett B, Jake M, Mehar H, Natalie G, Bernard S