From the Sports Desk...

Mr Rodger & Mrs Wilkinson

We wish to warmly introduce our newly badged Donvale Primary School House Captains for 2025!!!

Each captain received their respective house colour badges at our special assembly on Friday 21st February 2025. Mr Rodger and Mrs Wilkinson are very proud of our 2025 captains and are excited to have their support throughout this years active calendar.


AFL Football Clinics

Our lunch time AFL clinics have been terrific and enjoyed by all year levels across weeks five and six. A real highlight was having our Foundation students pair up with their Grade Six buddies on Monday to kick, handball and run their way through the different activities on the oval. For many students, this was their first time having a go at Australian rules football.


The clinics were run alongside the Donvale Junior Football Club, who are welcoming all students to come and play with them this coming season!



Division Swimming

12 brave Donvale students made their way to Aquanation Ringwood on Monday 3rd March, to compete in the 2025 Division Swimming Championships. Their nervous energy, quickly turned into clear focus. Mrs Wilkinson (along with all the parents in attendance) were incredibly proud of each of the students. Massive congratulations to Anton, qualifying for the boys 9/10years 50m Butterfly. Best of luck in a fortnight at Regionals Anton. However, special mentions must also go out to our stunning 12/13 years girls. The seniors for this competition assisted their younger peers, made them laugh and brought such join to the competition. Mrs Wilkinson is keen to see how our younger boys go in 2026, after all putting in a mighty effort. Congratulations to all. Outstanding effort, fabulous sportsmanship and strong swimming was shown all morning from Donvale.


Round Robin Sport

Lastly, good luck to our Grade 5/6 students who will participate in their first day of summer round robin sport on Thursday 6th March, taking to the field in Basketball, Cricket, Rounders, Softball and Tennis. We know you’ll give it your best and represent Donvale wonderfully! 


Mrs Wilkinson and Mr Rodger