Classroom & Curriculum News

Shrove Tuesday- Pancake Day

This Tuesday, Catholics celebrated Shrove Tuesday also known as pancake day. 

The date changes from year to year, however it is always the day before Ash Wednesday. 

Traditionally during Lent, Christians would give up rich, tasty foods such as butter, eggs, sugar and fats. Shrove Tuesday was the last chance to eat them – and what better way to do so than with a delicious pancake!


The Year 6 SRC cooked and served hundred of Pancakes for the St Augustine's students. 

It was for a wonderful cause, to support those less fortunate than us through Project Compassion. 


As a school we raised $315. Thank you for your donations, what an amazing effort!!


Thank you to the SRC Team: Khanh, Gabriel, Annabelle, Aleksandra, Frankie, Stephanie and Michael.



Italian classes 2025

 Italian Language Learning Update – A Fun Start to the Term!

What a great start to the term!

The Prep children have begun learning how to greet and introduce themselves in Italian. They're having so much fun learning through song and dance, games, mini whiteboards activities, and group work.

The Year 1/2 children are interacting with their peers to greet, farewell, and introduce themselves. They're also learning how to express and write about their likes and dislikes in Italian.

The Year 3/4 children are starting to write a short piece about themselves, which they will share with the Prep students. Meanwhile, the Year 5/6 students are also writing about themselves, and their work will be shared with the Italian community group.

Everyone is excited to reconnect with the Italiana group of elderly Italian community members. We can’t wait to see what the term brings!

To continue the fun at home, enjoy some Italian language games with the family through this website: Italian Free Games

Let the fun begin!

Miss Paglianiti



Year 3/4 News

What an amazing start to 2025 the students in Year 3/4 have had. As we move into Week 6 of Term 1, we are seeing wonderful progress in the classroom, and it’s been great to see the students engaged in their learning. Thanks again to those who were able to attend the workshop this week that was held at Annunciation. A reminder Reconciliation is on Thursday March 20th at 6pm and will be held at Annunciation. 

With NAPLAN starting next week, we have had a particular focus the last 3 weeks on understanding the language and format of the NAPLAN in both Literacy & Maths. In Religion, we have been learning about the Sacrament of Reconciliation in preparation for this upcoming Sacrament. We have been learning that it is a Sacrament of Healing and there are 4 stages/steps: 1) Confession – Admitting our mistakes to a priest. 2) Contrition – Truly being sorry. 3) Absolution – The priest, acting for Jesus, forgives sins. 4) Penance – Doing something (prayers, good deeds) to make up for sins. We have looked at the story of The Prodigal Son and how the story reminds us of the 4 stages of Reconciliation. We keep all the students who are making the Sacrament of Reconciliation in our prayers.


Year 1/2 News

It has been a busy and exciting couple of weeks in the Year 1/2 classrooms!

In Literacy, students have been working on their reading comprehension skills, focusing on visualising and predicting. In Writing, they have been exploring the elements of a narrative, including characters, settings, and events, while sequencing logical story journeys. Explicit instruction of phonics has continued with some groups focusing on long a (ay, ai, a_e) and long e (ea, ee), while others have worked on short a (apple) and m (mouse).

In Mathematics, students have been engaging in hands-on activities to develop their understanding of place value, representing two- and three-digit numbers and collecting data using tally marks to create pictographs.

In Religion, students have been reflecting on The Last Supper, discussing its significance and exploring the symbols of bread and wine.

Year 1/2 have also been really enjoying visits with Ziggy and sharing all of their learning with him!




Stephanie Alexander Kitchen Garden


This term Year 3/4 have been busy practicing their knife skills (Bear Claw, Bridge/Tunnel and Rock'n'Chop), to prepare delicious and healthy meals in the kitchen. We have prepared fruit kebabs served with a zingy citrus and honey yoghurt cup, potato wedges coated in herbs including salt bush and this week, layers of delicious flaky filo pastry wrapped around spinach, ricotta, feta and lemon.  We are focussing on Indigenous ingredients in particular varieties that grew or still grow around our local area.  Lemon Myrtle has been a favourite, surprising many students with its lemon aroma and unique tangy flavour. 


In the garden we have cleaned up some of the garden beds, and connected the watering timer, so that we have watering twice a day.  One of our Year 1/2 mums has generously donated some herbs for us, and we are hoping to have them in the beds in the next couple of weeks.  Students have been learning about what plants are suitable to plant in March and when these will be ready to harvest. We also brainstormed ways that could improve our environment around the school. Students considered picking up rubbish, waste free Wednesday lunch boxes or compost and worm bucket bins in the classroom.