Headlice Alert

Please be aware there have been a few cases of headlice reported with in all year levels. Please be vigilant in checking your child/children’s hair for any signs of headlice.
Below is the Conditioner method which is a very effective and cheap way to remove the lice.
This method is a little time consuming, but well worth the effort. Conditioner stuns the lice, and they stop functioning for about 10 minutes which means they will let go of the hair follicle, stop moving and be easier to comb out.
What you will need
• cheap conditioner
• fine-tooth lice comb
• cheap box of tissues
• bin bag (once finished, make sure you tie the bag well and put in an outdoor bin)
Before you begin, comb the hair into sections (if long hair put in individual ponytails or clips). Smother a section of hair at a time with conditioner and comb through each section with the fine tooth comb from root to tip. After each comb through, wipe the comb on a tissue. You will see any lice on the tissue. Put the tissue in the bin bag.
Work your way through each section carefully. Once all done, wash the conditioner out. When the hair is dry, you may also see active eggs.
If the egg is opaque and toward the root of the hair follicle, it will be active). If it is white and further from the scalp, it will be a dead egg.
You can slide eggs off the hair using your fingernails.
This treatment should be done every second day for 7 days, as this is the hatching cycle of lice.
*Note: a lot of the lice products you buy from the chemist have the same core ingredient in them which the lice become immune to. Therefore, you can try a lot of brands, but none will be effective.