Celebrations and Acclamations

- Primary SS -
- Middle SS - Great work supporting students to transition before/after playground!
- Secondary SS -Thank you so much Kay and Julie for your support in organising the excursions/incursions!
- Learning Specialists - A big thank you to our amazing sub school leaders for your hard work and the support you provide to the LS team.
- OH&S - Congratulations, Fiona, on your appointment as Acting Deputy HSR! 🎉
- Therapy - We would like to say a big thank you to the IT team, for setting up the Therapy Referral Pathway for staff to use via SharePoint.
- Wellbeing -
- Admin - Thanks to Corinne, KK, Julie, Kay, Fiona and Frances for completing additional work tasks during my LSL last week. I appreciate all your support.
- PCT - Shout out to John Hill and his recycling crew! Trying to keep the crows at bay as well as keeping up with the school's recycling is a mammoth tasks. Thank you to John and the room 26 team.