Parents & Friends

It's been a fun-filled couple of weeks!
We have continued our journey of bringing the school community together by hosting our first P&F Community Corner on Tuesday at 9am in the community room. It's great to see some familiar faces there and we're looking forward to watching it grow. Please come and join us for a chat, stay and play and a coffee on every Tuesday at 9am.
The P&F are still looking for volunteers throughout the year to support the many events for our kiddos. If you can spare some time, please fill out this form and we will be in touch.
The 2025 Welcome Drinks was a huge hit this year! We had over 60 parents join us for a night full of laughs and great memories. It was great to meet some of the new Prep families and I'm sure we all look forward to growing these friendships. A huge thank you to Holly and Mel for all the planning that went into the event. See below a few snaps of the night 😃
This week the community celebrated Shrove Tuesday — all the kiddos enjoyed some fresh pancakes that many parents cooked up in the morning. It was a fun morning not just for the kids but also all the volunteers! A massive thank you to all the volunteers who gave up their morning to bring it all together.
Easter is fast approaching and it's our annual call out for Easter-themed donations. If you would like to donate anything such as chocolate eggs, books, decorations, stickers, bunnies etc please drop them off at the office 🙂. The Easter Raffle Forms will be sent home with your child next week and we look forward to the raffle being drawn on our last day of Term — good luck everyone!
Next week will be another highlight for the kids, as it's Ride 2 School Day on Friday 14th. The P&F will be there early hosting a breakfast for the kids, which will include not-too-hot chocolate, fruit, and toast/crumpets with various spreads. We have also arranged a coffee cart where parents can purchase coffees on the day. After breakfast, the parade will commence, where we'll get to see all the kiddos' decorations on their helmets and bikes. We look forward to seeing you all there.
Don't be shy if you see Holly, Mel, or myself around the school come and say hi, as we're always up for a chat!
Jez and the P&F Team