Student Voice     

Beginning Of Term 1:

Student Voice

2025 College Captains 

On behalf of the 2025 College Captains, we warmly welcome you all back to another exciting school year! We hope you’re having a great start and settling in well. Whether you’re returning or joining us for the first time, it’s wonderful to see our school community come together once again.

A new year brings new opportunities to learn, grow, and immerse yourself in all that South Oakleigh has to offer. There are many exciting events and activities to look forward to this term, including signing up for summer interschool sports, auditioning for this year’s production, Beauty and the Beast, and celebrating the success of our recent Swimming Carnival, which saw fantastic student participation.

As we settle into the year, let’s remember to support and uplift one another. Secondary school comes with its challenges, but it’s also a time to form great friendships, explore new interests, and work towards personal goals. No matter what year level you’re in, approach this year with a positive mindset and a willingness to try new things.

To our Year 12s, this is a big year, stay focused, work hard, and take the time to enjoy your final chapter of high school. And to all students, let’s make 2025 a year of success, resilience, and school spirit!

We wish you all the best for Term 1 and beyond. Let’s make it a great year together!















Kristina Andreev and Stefan Krozian

2025 College Captains


Student Experience Portfolio

The student experience portfolio’s focus this term is on Harmoney week. Harmoney week this year is being held during the 8th week of the term as a time to come together and celebrate. Activities and events will be hosted every day of the week to celebrate culture and diversity. We plan to bring cultural performances, classics like bake sale and orange dress whilst also bringing in new activities to add to our traditions. We look forward to your enjoyment and participation of Harmony week.
















Jack Wright and Yohanb Soju

SRC Presidents