Staff Spotlight

đŸ’«Amanda Stevens


Family...  My husband, daughter and 2 fur babies (10-year-old English Staffy – Brick, and 3-year-old Labrador – Milo).


If you won the lottery and decided to give up teaching, what would you do instead... I wouldn’t be able to give up teaching completely, I’d still work casually every now and then. I would tick off a few bucket list items – I LOVE Waterfalls - Victoria Falls and Niagara Falls will be a must and to the see the Big Five on an African Saffari.


What sort of morning routine do you have to get jazzed up for class... A good cup of coffee and a sing-along in the car with my daughter on our way to school.


What current trends are baffling to you... the ever-changing current kid slang – I can’t keep up with it.


Is there a quote or saying you live your life by...  "You are never too old to set another goal or to dream a new dream." —C.S. Lewis


What song do you know all the lyrics to... every Spice Girls song.


What football team do you barrack for...  Sydney Swans!!

... and from our first newsletter spotlight page, now that we have had photo day... let's put a face to the name...



đŸ’«Sarah... who loves to listen to country music on her drive to school!


đŸ’«Claire... who played bass guitar in a punk band !